Monday, June 22, 2009

Media View Of 2006

I think the most affecting and enduring episodes of a year are the big events that happen. But what if they don't happen, as in 2006. There is no defining moment of 2006, and I have to think hard (dangerous for me to do) to name even a few spectacular stories that galvanized people world-wide this year. Maybe Bush's Iraqi war has desensitized us to the serious and made the less important..not...the trivial the important.
So here I go with my impressions of year 2006, the Year of Inconsequence, I shall call it. It was the year of the small being magnified into the big to keep our minds off the often dreary days we all endured throughout the year. Forget important events. They seemed to not matter this year. Here are some not so magical moments that kept so many people galvanized in 2006. Lindsey Lohan , the spoiled brat, sexual Goddess wannabe bored us with stories of her mean spirited, drunken and difficult persona clashing with the Queen of famous for being nothing, Paris Hilton. When the media wasn't fixated on which of those two creatures was to be the number one bad girl of 2006, Britney Spears, of my own New Orleans, was holding her baby on her lap and drinking while driving, flashing her bottom in public sans underwear, or fighting with an even more disgusting and talent less human than all three of those "ladies", hubby Kevin Fedeline.
My oh my, Britney gets my vote for worst behaved spoiled brat of the year. Just think of the shame her kids will feel when they are old enough to know what mom is. It was a year that Lance Bass came out to announce he is Gay, a U.S. Congressmen flirted with male pages in Congress and no one is still yet able to figure out what and where is Michael Jackson (I bet wherever he is there are boys with him). Gay was in and straight was the new dysfunctional status if one listed to the media croon on about both. African babies were the in thing for 2006. First the horrid self important Angelina Jolie and her manservant Brad adopted an African baby. I suppose there were no babies available to adopt in her own country, or perhaps the cynical would say she wants another trophy baby for the good pub it gives her. I expect her to seize the hysterical day and soon to become the leader of the latest in trendy movements, the Global Warning fraud that has swept the celebrity world as a can't miss good pub issue. And of course Madonna needed an African baby too (Have you adopted your African baby yet? Why not?). The media lionized her but the baby's father in Malawi said Madonna might not be the best mom for his son. Hehe No need to worry, dad. I doubt either Angelina or Madonna will spend much time with their trophies. There's nannies for that . But Madonna and Angelina will be available for publicity shots with their babies whenever their publicists thinks it's needed. Those African babies make nice accessories for a Hollywood lady What more can you ask of two stars???
While Muslims were being blown up by their brothers in Iraq, the media had other important stories that took precedence in 2006. Surely the celebrity marriage situation was worthy front page news. Would Brad marry Angelina and her African babies? What about poor lost Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vance. Oh, we already know they split. And of splitting couples, Britney and K-Fed, Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipee, Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, Hillary Swank and whatever the husband's name is, and Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock all got more coverage than North Korea's nuclear bombs, the energy crisis or al Quida. Oh, I forgot the most mismatched marriage of all, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. Whitney, once sweet and talented, buy a drug addicted, emaciated and aged has been after tying the knot with, to put it kindly, that bum Bobby ....finally divorced him.
And what single issue galvanized the world in 2006? It had to be baby Suri. Haha The king of bizarre behavior named his baby after a Hebrew word that no Hebrew every heard of. But if Tom says it's a Hebrew name it must be. At least nutty Tom didn't jump on the couch when he told us Suri's name.
Odd deaths this year too. Music loved Aussie nature guy Steve Irwin was killed by a sting ray, former Chilean mass murderer dictator Augusto Pinchot beat the hangman's rope and died before Chile could bring him to justice. Saddam still lived while George Bush sent more U.S. soldiers and Iraqi's to death each day of 2006.
People stopped watching and reading about real news and continued watching unreal "reality TV", a staged production show called "survivor", the contrived "Idol" series and it's just too painful for me to mention any more vapid TV shows the world wastes it's time watching.
Have you had enough of 2006 and my review? There was more inconsequential garbage that galvanized people in 2006. But I am merciful and will not write it. I wonder if in 2007 society will continue to make the trivial important and the important trivial. Will some catastrophic event shake the world to reality or will it just slowly kill it's brain watching more reality TV? Don't ask me which I think it will be. Happy 2007!

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