Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kid Foods

I remember when I was a small boy. I would eat only a small variety of foods. Haha One Turkey my mom gave me bologna because I wouldn't eat the Thanksgiving turkey. I think I practically existed on bologna sandwiches and vegetable soup when I was 5- 10 years old. Nothing else interested ne nearly as much and I refused ot eat anything that has a sauce on it. I was skinny Jimmy then, but around age 10 I started to try more foods and began a more normal diet. My parents were wise to let me eat what I liked when small because I developed few food hates as a result.
Well, Jane is even worse than I. Cooking for Jane is easy, she eats the same things over and over as I wait for her to grow out of the child phase where taste buds are immature and adventures in eating not treasured. I often cook for Jane's friends too, since they are here so much of the time. Most are the same as Jane. They like a simple diet, nothing spicy or Adventist.
One of Jane's best friends is a girl from school who's parents immigrated from Iran about 12 years ago. They were wealthy there, but lost much of their property to the Iranian "revolution". That child is not as Americanized as Jane, so she eats even fewer "adult" foods than Jane (though she eats many Iranian foods I have no idea how to cook). When Jane spends the night at the child's home she nibbles most of the Iranian food they serve and only likes a few of the Iranian specialties. Fortunately, the Iranian mom knows this and gives the kids "American foods" too.
I just find that kids today take longer to develop more rounded tastes in food, maybe because of the fast food that is so often eaten . That food is bland and does not challenge the child's taste buds. I wonder if kids in other countries that are exposed to fast foods react the same way.
Oh well, I believe in time Jane will eat "everything" and it best not to force unpleasant taste on her because. It can cause eating problems or an aversion to foods she will otherwise learn to eat. If I could get jane to cook more I think she would change those desires, but kids today are not interested in cooking as I was when a child. Maybe that's because there are so many technological things to distract them now. So I will go on feeding her the "20 favorites" she likes (fortunately they nutritious, are a good balance of all types of food) and wait for her to be more daring in her food preferences.
One thing I hope Jane doesn't want to ingest is what a middle-aged Napier, New Zealand woman found missing the other day. She rang police to report a theft of cannabis plants she had been growing at her North Island home, according to the Napier news media. The crying woman told a constable at the police station in the city of Napier the plant theft was the fourth from her property in as many years. The 45-year-old woman has not been not named, so I can't nominate her in the dumbest police call category, lamented someone had again sneaked on to her property at night to steal her three carefully nurtured marijuana plants.
"I am a good person. I am sick of these low-lifes stealing my things," the woman told a police communications officer. Haha Let's hope she was loaded on pot when she said that because I can't imagine a sober person being that stupid.
Senior Sergeant Ma l Lochrie told local media Friday that the officer found it hard to stop smiling as the women gave details of the theft over the phone. A community constable who visited her to take details of the theft had also warned her that her horticultural pursuits could have legal consequences
But alas! Police decided no action would be taken against the gardener since she seems so utterly harmless to herself and others.

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