Saturday, June 27, 2009

Global Warming Lunatics

Yes, from the subject title you can tell I am going to write about that global warming nonsense again. Hehe You should just be grateful I will not orate on cell phones. I think this fear mania about the theory of global warming has gotten out of hand. It's became an issue more pondered than the state of Britney Spear's head or Paris Hilton's lack of anything inside her cranium.
Now I have run across some bizarre ideas by global warmer worriers that allegedly will "save the planet" (sigh...they should first think about saving themselves before imagining themselves to be saviors of the world). These crazy ideas have actually been looked at by reputable agencies and governments and are a microcosm about how illogical the whole global warming idea is. Among the latest proposals are:
* Man made volcanoes- These would be volcanic objects that shoot (like a cannon or via balloons and jet engines) sulfur high into the air, mimicking a volcanoes activity, that would produce a sun shade that will allegedly lower the earth's temperature. Ha! The cost of trying this scheme this would bankrupt the world in a matter of a few years.
* Cash bounties- One of the world's biggest polluters, billionaire Jet Blue Airline owner Richard Branson, is offering a $25 million prize to anyone who can discover a feasible technology to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the air. Of course while the bounty is out Branson's airline continues to do just what his bounty says it wants stopped.
* The Geritol solution- Under this plan ships will dump tons of iron dust into the ocean. The iron will supposedly grow plankton which will drink carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Yep! The idea is to fertilize the ocean. Not even my imagination can think of the potential damage to the ocean life if they try this one.
* Solar Umbrella- This one proposes an army of small frisbee shaped spaceships that would be placed between the sun and the earth to act as an umbrella shading the earth from heating. According to the one who proposes this plan, astronomer Roger Angel, it will take 16 trillion of the space ships that will be fired in 20 million launches at a cost of $4 trillion dollars. Even global warming advocates are laughing at this one.
* Artificial Trees- These would be objects built that act like real trees. The trees would have large filters which would absorb carbon dioxide from the air. A chemical reaction would take place that takes the carbon dioxide from the filter and changes it into a form that can be disposed of. Problem is that it would take a whole lot of energy to operate these artificial trees and no one knows if burying the disposed waste is a safe, practical or advisable.
Mind you...these proposals all came from global warming activists, scientist of crazies sometimes all three fit in the same a category), and extreme though they may be they do reflect the irrational fears global warmers have been infected with by media reports of alleged glob warming. Moist legitimate scientist laugh at these ideas as practical or real solutions to anything, and fear the unintended side effects- even more irrational worry and alarm from the public about a subject (global warming) that is only a theory.

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