Sunday, June 28, 2009

i Phone Mania

I got this tonight, included with it a FRENCH language power point presentation. I find it both curious and amusing to see the hysteria over the new iPhone from Apple. It's addiction at an acme, rationalization thrown to the wind. Given that about 1 billion cell phones are sold each year, that cell phones are one of the more treasured goods of mankind is indisputable. But what are all the cell nuts going to do with their old cell phones and blackberries when they purchase the iPhone? Don't they realize they are being scammed into buy the "latest technology" and that there is always another one about to be released for sale?
Oh, they probably know that already. A heroin addict also knows that the next shot of heroine is only temporary Euphoria. I think humans will soon start implanting electronic devices beneath their forearm skin, and in that they are out of sight might at least the games they play to see which one has the prettiest gadget. Hmmmmm Once people have computers implanted inside their body will they be controlled by Apple and Microsoft mad scientists? Hehe Never mind that question too. They already are technology slaves to the concept of being "connected".
This addiction is a costly one too. For instance, iPhones sell for about $500 a piece with mandatory AT&T phone contracts starting at $60 a month. Apple Inc. will surely release even more updated versions at higher prices as well and says it expects to sell 10 million iPhone sin the first 1 1/2 of the phones release. This of course means the "old" technology, the iPod, that iPhones is supposed to kill, will absolutely update its technology and lures cell phone addicts to buy that one again. What a game of musical chairs the geeks play with consumers. These gadgets have replaced alcohol, sex, gambling or other addictions and few people are warning the consumers of the game being played by them.
Oh well, as the only man on the planet without even a lowly cell phone I am dedicated to warning you (annoying you, I admit) about how you are being played the electronic fools by the iPhone Gods you worship. I know you consider me a nut, not a voice of reason in the wilderness. But you should look at it another way. At least I won't annoy you by iPhone when I rant about how much I hate all of those gadgets.
From the 'Dog Frees Master' department comes word that an Israeli criminal slipped away from house arrest by putting his electronic ankle monitor on his dog, police said on Thursday. It wasn't until police came to take Nabil Farumi, convicted of attempted murder, to a sentencing hearing, that he was gone without a trace. But Fido was doing a great imitation of Nabil.
"After we searched the house we saw that he somehow managed to take the monitor off his leg and place it around he neck of his dog, who continued to walk around the house," said Yoram Danieli, a police commander in Northern Israel.
Let's hope Nabil doesn't get a hold of one of those I Phones..................

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