Sunday, June 28, 2009


Have you ever heard of the web site It's bizarre, a web site solely for women to accuse men they have dated of horrid character defects, bad behavior and every other aspect of the guy that a woman feels has 'wronged them". I read about this site (No, I am not one of the cheaters there) and decided to have a look for myself.
What I found was many angry women who target men who either dumped them or wronged them (either in reality or in their imagination), and what they say there is not exactly discrete. The intention of the site according to the founder, who is pictured and quoted at the site is to "provide a forum for women where they can gather to discuss their experiences with men to warn other women about an alleged cheating man by posting his picture and profile". Huh The "discussion" is actually vitriolic and mean spirited gossip, and I wonder if there is some defamation of the fellows character in some of the postings there.
Here is one I found abut a man form my own city when I sent to the site. Call him "Stephen". The anonymous posting says, " dated him or 2 years and found out he was cheating on me with my mother and sister at the same time. I saw him in porn with them. He's a beater and a sick pervert who likes fecal matter games..." It goes on and is typical of the comments about the men listed and pictured there. there are forums listed too, and all are populated by rather hateful females. After seeing this site I had a few thoughts about it, and since I gave you the address and you might want to see for yourself, here are my thoughts about this kind of site.
1) What kind of woman would post intimate information about their relationships simply to discredit a man they no longer date? I think I would not want to be involved with any of those women, not because I am one of the "bad guys" (I am not) they claim to warn about, but rather because those women are angry, mean, bitter, and probably guilty of libel.
2) The entire site is negative. Even the forums are angry. Why would one want to invest her time in such a place?
3) The names of the women who post the profiles and trash the men are not published. Yet the man's name and picture are always shown. I tend to think that erases most of the credibility of the women who post the profiles. Should any fair-minded person believe the poster when she won't even reveal her own name at the site.
4) There are no such sited for men to pst their complaints about ex girlfriends or ex wives. Hmmmmmmm I think that at least speaks well of men, if not badly about the women who take cheap shots on dontdatehimgirl
5) The host Internet providers like AOL who provide sites like that one space are legally immune from being sued, since it is the site that provides the contents. This encourages more such sites.
6) How many innocent lives and reputations have been ruined by the site? Well, I looked at it and was appalled, meaning I will never go back there. What do you think about such a site?
Am I wrong? Does it just provide warnings to women about bad men, or is it a forum for women to take cheap shots at men who decided they did not want to be with them anymore?

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