Sunday, June 28, 2009

Donating Old Clothes

Do you donate money or items to charity very often? I try to do that and one thing that I and most people in the U.S. give away is clothes. We donate our old clothes, new clothes we can't fit in, clothes that are no longer to our fashion taste, clothes we are tired of wearing, clothes we bought but never wore at al or much etc.
When I have donated them I always thought they were to be given to the poor or sold in retail shops the charities run in order to fund their other charity products. But I have just learned something else about where those donated clothes go. In fact, the charities usually sell the old clothes to recyclers, not send them to Madonna or Angelina's homeless African babies. That's right. I have discovered that less than 10% of donated clothes in the U.S. are kept by charitable institutions to be sold in their own shops for funds needed to continue their charitable services. The remaining 90% are sold for cash to textile recycling firms. Those clothes are generally turned into cleaning cloths and other industrial items.
Hmmm It's ok with me, and I am sure other donators wouldn't mind too much what is done with their clothes. But charities don't tell people that. Instead, they pretend (like Angelina and Madonna) to use the clothe for direct relief to the poor. It's a little bit of misleading, I think, or perhaps outright manipulation or fraud. No matter. We have to discard unwanted clothing anyway. But it is a little un nerving to be misled by those charities. What do you think? Should they openly disclose the real destination of the clothes and possibly forfeit receiving gifts of them by those who might not like their favorite shirt being made into a wash rag?
Well, donating clothes is one thing. But a German man who hasn't yet been identified by German media sources has a better solution for getting rid of what he no longer wants or needs. He sells them directly...but sometimes a thirst German can get carried away.
You see, the other day he sold his 6-year-old step-daughter's pet beagle to the owner of a bar to pay for beer, the Bild newspaper reported Friday. The thirsty and probably lazy , unemployed man offered to take the dog for a walk and then stopped at a bar where he convinced the owner to buy the 3-year-old dog for 40 euros ($53). The man spent the proceeds quenching his thirst for beer. The bar owner has now returned the dog to its owner, but the German dog seller is free.
Perhaps the courts there could sentence him to some of his free time in a local kennel. After he cleans the doggie cages he might be given one for himself for a few nights.

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