Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cell Zones

Cell phone haters like me are rejoicing these days. It's because of the Cell Zone. Have you heard of that? It's the latest in technology to help people avoid being annoyed by people using their cell phones in public. (Today while in a store I was confronted by 4 loud chattering cell addicts, giggling about matters of importance only to themselves).
These cell on one sanctuaries are basically a phone booth without a land line phone. That's right. They are booths the cell addicted are supposed to use for their public calls so that they do not annoy people around them. Salem Industries of Woburn, Massachusetts makes the Cell Zone and is targeting libraries, stadiums, nightclubs and restaurants as the first spots to place the. Those four seem to have the worst abusers present and numerous complaints from patrons there about blabbering cell idiots disturbing their activities have brought about requests for Cell Zones to be placed there.
The Cell Zone looks much like traditional phone booths (long since gone after the invention of cell phones) and are constructed of steel to block even the most obnoxious chatter of the cell phone user. The hope is that the Cell Zones will gain popularity and peace can reign in public places again.
But will Cell Zones revive the former era of manners in public, of respect for the privacy of others? I have my doubts. Many people are so addicted to their phones they just don't know or care that they are displaying bad behavior when using them in public view. But at least now there is an option for them. They can now be courteous and mature rather than babble loudly into their phones. Sigh...I guess I am being too optimistic...but the a Cell Zone might be perfect for me. I can run and hide in them until those imbeciles finish their calls. When is home not "where the heart is"? Maybe when you give with grandpa. That's the case recently in Italy. An Italian man who escaped from house arrest and begged police to put him in jail because he could not bear living with his grandfather asked the courts to set him free from grandpa nd place him in homey prison, his lawyer said Monday.
The 30-year old, identified by his initials A.M., had been placed under house arrest for six months In Sarssi, Italy after a scuffle with a policeman. But he escaped, and showed up later at a police station in the northern city of Genoa, asking them to arrest him and put him in a cell. Yep! He wanted asylum from grandpa.
"He said he could not face staying with his grandpa anymore," said defense lawyer Pietro Bogliolo The lawyer said he did not know what the problem between the two was. "It's probably irreconcilable differences," he said. A Genoa court however ruled Monday that A.M. should return to his grandfather's house and spend a additional two months and 20 days there because of his escape. Thank God grandma isn't home too!

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