Saturday, June 27, 2009

Banning Butter

First the foolishness about a global warming made me fidgety. But now the politically correct hysteria mongers are going after butter. Yep, noble butter, the source of the very best baking goods and luscious sauces for my favorite foods. In a twist of science, trans-fat hysteria is here! Bakers in the U.S. are being forced to substitute processed fats like palm oil and margarine for good old-fashioned butter because of the small amounts of natural trans fat butter contains.
This is being done in spite of the fact that some researchers believe that the trans fat that occurs naturally in butter, meat, milk and cheese might actually be healthy. But to satisfy companies that want to call their foods completely free of trans fats, bakers are altering serving sizes, cutting back on butter and in some cases using ingredients like trans fat-free margarine.
Ugh! I am not ready for a world of tofu and other health foods. Even that overpriced buy tasty Starbucks chain has decided to eliminate all butter or "unhealthy fats" from it's baked goods. Scratch Starbucks off my list for everything except coffee. I refuse to eat that "healthy" version( dry and tasteless) of baked items. What Starbucks and the U.S FDA, which is causing this problem by ordering that food with transfat be labeled as unhealthy, doesn't get is that natural trans fat (like those found in butter) is not the same as the chemically created kid that is in food that that is made for along shelf life. First, the natural transfats are not unhealthy (man has been eating them for all time) and two, they make baked goods taste good.
Now that they are taking away my butter what will come next? Why do they want to protect me from myself? Can't my worthless carcass eat butter if it wants? Why s the world so protective of everyone? Ok..have it there way. Maybe they should also mandate some other "healthy" changes. I suggest.
- mandatory wearing of helmets when driving a car
- sun exposure limited to 30 minutes a day - no more breathing outside without a mask
- sports are too dangerous for kids, ban them all
- amusement parks must go, they cause heart attacks...sorry Disney world Sigh... They may even ban my E mail rants on the grounds of both incoherent thinking and possible contamination of the reader's brain.!!!
But now we have the food police joining with the global warming police to make me hot and hungry. I should eat a stick of butter in protest!

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