Saturday, June 27, 2009

Airport Flight Security

I have airports and airlines on my mind today (I hear your sigh of relief and that you are grateful that I am not thinking about cell phones), so I want to make a few observations about that. What about airports security is is a little odd that we are searched so thoroughly before entering our flight? I wonder why? It can't be to prevent a passenger from blowing up or hijacking a plane, because there are any number of ways non passengers could do that- a surface to air missile shot from the ground, and airport employee or member of the flight crew such as a maintenance man who sabotages the plane. It is completely ridiculous to think that such searches will make the rise safe. But then, the idea is to make the passengers think they are safe, not to really make them so. Like idiots we accept the indignity of being searched and even the illogical logic of the search. Haha Then after we have been declared harmless to the flight when on board they gives us knives with our flight meals. No need to bring that knife to stab the pilot, the airline is passing out 300 knives at dinner time....
If you get too board while flying a good game to play is "Find the security flaws" as you count the minutes left in your plane ride. I always find at least 10, but I never tell anyone because I know they will arrest me as a hijacker if I disclose any real threats that might take the plane done into a heap. Better for them to search the 90 year old grandmother at the boarding gate than to actually inconvenience the airline by eliminating more real security problems.
No, you dare not even joke about air safety because that is considered a threat too. is it not true that airport security is a great illusion to make those money paying passengers think they are safe. Without the facade airlines can't survive and the economy falls apart. The airline can't possibly make your flights safe because too many people have access to the plane. more thing....I hope the remarks I made haven't ruined your next flight... or made you want to carry than silly bomb on board. Regardless, you can be sure that I am NOT going to be on the same plane you ride!
Have you ever tried to use a bathroom and seen an "Out of Order" sign taped to the locked door? It's frustrating but there are always other rest rooms available somewhere else nearby. But what if they put "Out Of Order" signs on the bathrooms on the airplane fight you were taking? Haha It could happen because that what one bladder filled flyer says happened to him recently.
SkyWest Airlines has just apologized to the passenger who said he wasn't allowed to use the rest room during a one-hour flight and ended up urinating in an air-sickness bag. Ouch! Glad I never sat in the seat next to James. But James claims he just had to go that way because he had two "really big beers" at the Boise, Idaho airport where his infamous pee flight originated. While on a flight to Salt Lake City he wanted to use the cabin rest room. The captain had declared it off-limits during the short flight because a light wasn't working. Whipple said he had used the cabin rest room before the plane departed but had to go again and finally reached for the air-sickness bag. "It was like I had no choice," James said.
No other passengers noticed him using the bag but a flight attendant asked him about it and told the captain, who called airport police to report the incident. James was questioned and took a taxi home to Sandy, a Salt Lake City suburb. And now the airline has sent him a letter of apology and a flight voucher (bathroom services included, I hope), a SkyWest spokeswoman named Sabrena Suite- Mangum said Friday. She explained the locked bathroom as a case of bad judgment by SkyWest, that it decided to go ahead with the flight and have the light fixed in Salt Lake City, rather than delaying it or canceling it for repairs.
"For such a short flight, we really felt we were trying to inconvenience the least number of passengers possible by operating that flight," Suite-Mangum said.. Hmmmmmm Maybe, as lesson in why one has to go when he has to go, they should test her bladder endurance too by prohibiting her from using Sky West rest rooms.

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