Monday, June 22, 2009

Angelina And Brad Living Here

Hi, Lou. Guess who has moved to New Orleans for a few months? It's Angelina Jolie and her puppy dog Brad Pitt. Yep! They bought a 3 million dollar mansion in the French Quarter and have been living here for the past two weeks. Supposedly, this will be one of their permanent "temporary " homes they will live here off and on) in order to give the city a boost in publicity and so that Pitt can begin to build the house he promised last year. He is donating new houses to the city for some of the residence who have no place to live.
Hehe So far the African babies and none of her adopted and natural birth baby have been spotted here. No doubt they are with the ones who are actually raising them- the nanny and servant staff hired by the couple. Both Brad and Angelina have made many appearances in clubs, bars, shops and other parts of the Quarter where they live. Reports are that, like moist celebrities who live or visit here, New Orleanians are not bothering or even paying much attention to them. People here have never been star struck and celebrities are usually left alone. Thus, the city has always attract many celebrities who wanted to escape the media focus and the gazing eyes of the public.
My newspaper reports that both Pitt and Jolie have been polite, respectful and friendly, on good behavior. Pitt is making a film here now (I don't remember the name), so that is why they choose this time to move here. But.......Hmmmmmmmm They profess to want to help the city and to feel the pain of we suffering residents of this destroyed city. Then why did they buy a mansion in a part of the city that was not damaged by the storm? The French Quarter is the most sought after area of the city, so it seems that Brad and Pitt do not want to suffer to much will "feeling our pain". But, to their credit they are here and contributing positively to the area's comeback. We shall see what happens in the weeks ahead with those two.
Have you had enough of we beastly men? Are those piggie, crude, male cretans too much to face anymore? Well, I have good news if you want to get away from we inferior men. Announcement came recently from Korea about the first city in Korea made for exclusively for women. The Kimpo city government is planning to build a “City of Ladies’ Paradise”.
Pack your bags! The whole city will be built according to women's needs such as clean, safe and glamorous surroundings that will surely drive away any of those dirty men who might try to settle there. There will be many safety cameras and street lights in the parking areas of the City of Paradise, that are specifically designed for female safety, several green parks for yoga, state of the art gym equipment, even side walks that are made to be will be high heel friendly. Oh my! I will have to wear a dress and heels to visit you if you move to the City of Ladies.
That's not all hat the City of Ladies will do to make women feel more at home. They have design plans for those walks over bridges when wearing wears mini skirts, so the pervert guys won't even have a chance to peep. The project will begin in 2008 and finished 4 years later with capacity of 200,000 residents. I better go out and look for some high heels in case I visit...

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