Monday, June 22, 2009

2006 Top Yahoo Searches

Yahoo released it's 2006 'Most Searched' lists and guess who is on top for the fifth time in six years? It's the ye of little talent but great interest, Britney Spears. Yep, New Orleans own Brittany is more interesting to Yahoo searchers than anyone else this year. But why? Surely, Britney's small talents have long run their course, and she didn't even release any albums this year.
It must be her personal life that has them searching for her- the marriage to the infamous K Fed, the impending divorce to him, the birth of her son, Britney's no car seat for baby policy, she tendency to go out without under on and to let everyone know it. Haha. Only no talent Britney could upstage no talent Parish Hilton.
This was the year of the dumb blonde in searches because fellow blondes were right behind Britney in the most search race. Shakira was at number 3, Jessica Simpson number four, and Paris Hilton number five. Wow! Four of the first five most searched (number two in most searched was the World Wrestling organization) were "legally blonde". But what does that say about the searchers (unless they were all blonde too?).
Well, given that Beyonce, Pamela Anderson and Lindsay Lohan were also in the top ten searches, it says the people who search on Yahoo are probably not intellectuals. And what about news stories that were searched in 2006? Surely those who searched for news are more serious than the people who looked for the dumb blondes this year? They must have been searching for substance and for the events that shape the world and really effect all of our lives? Not really. The top two news stories searched were Australian Steve Irwin's death from a stingray's stab and the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son while visiting Anna in a hospital. Hmmmm let's see aren't Steve and Anna blondes too? We should declare this the year of the dumb blonde.
There is small trouble in India these day. the Indian Council of Medical research has just announced that Indian "winkies" do not match international sizes and most condoms on sale there are too big. That's right. the "short and long of it" is that approximately 60% of Indian men (I didn't measure. I am just passing on the Council's research statistic) had penises at least 2.4 centimeters shorter than standard international condom sizes. And for an additional 30% of Indians the gap is a full five centimeters.
The study was conducted because of a 20% failure rate of condoms in India. Hmmmmm I don't think the study was needed. The population of India now is more than one billion people. Maybe instead of a 'Feed the Children' concert this year, those rock stars should "put on" a 'Short Condom Choral'.

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