Tuesday, June 23, 2009

They Keep Coming

Did you know that an illegal immigrant to the U.S. who gives birth while here has deposited a new U.S. citizen on our soil? That's right. It makes no sense, but people who come here illegally and give birth have a baby who is automatically a U.S. citizen. It's because of a provision in our constitution, in the 14th Amendment, that provides for "birthright citizenship". Though that was drafted 150 years ago with freed slaves in mind, not illegal immigrants, is says, "All persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States."
But now some are upset about the issue of illegals flooding the borders and having babies who are citizens, and who at age 18 can petition for their relatives to enter the U.S. as well. It also annoys many Americans that the babies of illegals can petition for social security and other welfare payments that will come regularly until age 18, even be mailed by to their native country of the illegal if they wish to stay there. It's crazy, and few other nations allow someone to illegally enter, have a baby (at the expense of U.S. taxpayers who must pay the hospital and doctor bills because it is illegal for a hospital to refuse a pregnant woman) who is instantly granted citizenship. The estimate by most demographers is that already 10% of the births in the U.S each year are of such cases. meaning close to 400,000 babies each year are born to illegal immigrants (most Hispanic origin).
It's absurd to allow this flood but little has been done about stopping it because politicians fear upsetting the huge Hispanic voting block that likes the idea of millions more Hispanic immigrants coming here each year. Even though most Americans want to stop this practice, politicians have never voted to do so. In fact, Bush was largely narrowly elected as President twice because of promises (like many of his promises, they are usually words only) to not interfere with illegal immigration for the safe of "the children and poor".
I mention all this only because another proposal to stop the birthright citizenship practice has come and gone, ended in defeat, bringing this issue to my attention again. For me and many others, this onslaught of illegal immigration is one factor in a declining Americans culture, that so many millions of the poorest and worst educated people are swarming into the U.S. while educated immigrant applicants are denied illegal entry. So, we are losing (have lost) the brightest foreigner who wishes to settle here in favor of winking as the peasant groups that offer far less to my country are encouraged to keep coming. May American rest in peace. It is dying in the flood.
Now that I ranted about that and relieved my frustration about the top I should mention one of the more important invasions than that of illegal immigrants. Forget that illegal immigrant assault. There is an attack of another sort happening here- the illegal urine problem. Hehe That's right, a Nebraska man has just been arrested for delivering "presents" to residents of various states as he drives through in his truck. Reno Tobler, 54, was arrested recently after police caught him lobbing urine bottles into backyards.
Apparently, there have been reports to police past two months of 10 incidents of someone throwing urine bottles into the backyards of homeowners. IT was Reno! He is a truck driver by trade who travels to many states while working, but Reno gets bored just driving. So Reno has been developing the hobby of urine tossing while on the job. Police found several other urine filled bottles ready for delivery when arresting Reno.
Reno was booked on charges of littering and harassment, but released on $500 bond pending trial. I think that guy needs to learn more about using public rest rooms maybe the judge who sentences Reno can order him to clean toilets for about 6 months so he'll better understand the concept.

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