Saturday, June 27, 2009

Osama's Fate

I read a newspaper article the other day about Osama bin Laden, more specifically, about what should be done with him if he is captured and convicted of murder. To put it bluntly, should he be executed or sent to prison for life? As I am against killing anyone for any reason (Life is too sacred for that) I would cast a vote for prison, even if bi Laden uses his imprisonment to act the role of martyr and inspiration for other murderous thugs who kill in the name of religion.
The Ap-ipos poll was taken in nine countries the United States, Mexico, Germany, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Italy, France and Spain. There were about 1000 people polled in each country, asked whether they favor or oppose the death penalty for Osama and other murderers. The results were predictable. The U.S. respondents ( largely because they were directly affected by the 911 massacre engineered by Osama and because the death penalty exists in some states in the U.S.) was one of two nations that wanted Osama put to death. Mexico was the other. Here are some other facts about that poll.
- In all nine nations surveyed, markedly more people would choose the death penalty for Osama than for other murderers, even in the 7 nations that do not allow capital punishment (the U.S. and South Korea are the two that have capital punishment)
- Mexico was the only other country of the nine that wanted Osama executed
- 62% of the Americans polled supported executing Osama, while 36% supported prison. This is the highest support rating for capital punishment of a criminal.
- Most of the other countries favored prison for Osama by a 2 to 1 margin.
- In all nations women were more often in support of life imprisonment for Osama than were men.
- Better educated, higher income and younger respondents less often approved of execution of Osama.
Well, given that Osama still hasn't been captured he may outlive all of us in both time on earth and infamy. What do you think should be done with Osama if he is convicted of the crimes he is accused?
In less serious crime affairs word from, thank God not the U.S., but Canada that a Canadian man has been arrested after he was found walking around naked with a swastika taped to his body to mark Adolf Hitler's birthday, police said. Police in Nanaimo, British Columbia, on Canada's Pacific coast, said they were called to the scene by concerned residents, and the man told them he was "honoring Hitler's birthday." Haha He was detained and will undergo a psychiatric assessment. "Although the swastika symbol causes some concern and is usually associated with hate and the Nazi regime, in this instance this male posed no threat to the community," police said. In other words. he's just another nut walking the planet.

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