Monday, June 22, 2009

Odd Jobs

There is a book out that is, odd as it's title. It's called 'Odd Jobs' and showcases people and the odd jobs that they have decided to work.
There is also a TV show on one of the specialty cable networks here called 'Dirty Jobs' that does the same thing by having the host actually work those jobs. I saw that show once after accidentally finding it. The host was cleaning waste in a sewer line, knee dip in you know what and not enjoying it.
Anyway, I think it's interesting that there is always someone who is willing to, either by choice or economic necessity, to do those kinds of unattractive work. So I present some of the odd jobs in the book I mentioned above, 'Odd Jobs', and wonder which you would do if you had no other option for work except these.
* Coffin Maker- Not a cheery way to spend a day at work. How would you like preparing custom made death vehicles for people every work day of your life? I would "die" to avoid working this one.
* Potato Chip Inspector- Their work consist of standing on an assembly line and checking for overcooked or clump chips. When they find them they discard, then keep looking. How does a man tell a woman he wants to impress is an inspector of potato chips? I guess he could say, "At least I don't make coffins all day.".
* Foot Model- These are people, mostly women with pretty feet, who show their feet an toes for commercial advertisements that feature footwear, lotions and other related products. I don't want to do this one, but I would love to the guy who selects the prettiest female feet in auditions for it.
* Golf Ball Driver- Yep. this is the person who dives in golf water hazards to search for golf balls the bad golfers can't seem to hit straight. Every once in while I read about these people being eaten by an alligator while diving. I'll pass on doing this one too.
* Egg Inspector- can you believe that humans inspect eggs for cracks and other irregularities? Why can't machines do this? * Knife Thrower Assistant- If you ever went to a circus you will have seen these idiots, usually pretty girls with under developed brains. They are tied to spinning wheels while the knife thrower tosses knives as close to the assistant as possible without drawing blood. Sometimes they draw blood. I assure you, they will never get the chance to draw mine.
* Gross Stunt Producer- What do they do? They create new ways to gross out contestants on television shows, using insects, animal products and other things considered that could be considered disgusting by most civilized people. Fortunately, there are plenty of uncivilized people who watch that kind of garbage TV to keep the job in demand..
* Dog Food Tester- These humans take a bite or two, not from the ankles of other humans, but from Fido's dog food in order to analyze dog food samples and write reviews on their results.
* Gum Buster- If you want to do this one your job will be to remove gum that is stuck to sidewalks, benches and other unwanted areas by de-sticking the gum by steaming it. If you don't want to do this job, move to Singapore where gum chewing and just about everything else is not allowed.
* Answering my Odd Mail- I just threw this one in to see if you are paying attention and whether you agree. Which ones are most and least appealing to you? Or maybe you have another odd job you most don't want to ever work...

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