Sunday, June 28, 2009

Looking On The Net

I was "fooling around" on the computer today. You know, just checking to see what is out there on the net besides the familiar things I see when on line. That means a great deal to me because I am very predictable when on line. I mostly check and answer E mail and sometimes use a chat site, read news, look at local sites, that sort of thing.
One thing I almost never do is play games on line. I do not like computer games, and in fact, don't even understand how to operate them. Jane can find a game on line and figure it out immediately. But not I. My aptitude and interest for that is non existent. I think being a kid is an advantage in gaming on line. They seem to like and be most proficient at it.
While looking on line today I did a google site check for games to see. Well, I remember a bowling game called Gutterball that Jane used to like to play against me. I tried to find that and did, but never actually felt like playing it. Gutterball is simple. I need simple games because I am not capable of understanding the hard ones or of manipulating various computer keyboard keys or the mouse to play them. With Gutterball, the player uses one click to bowl. Even I can do it. Try it yourself if you doubt me.
While looking I found an innumerable amount of games and only one offered any appeal to me. That is the old TV quiz game called Jeopardy. It's a trivia contest and it is offered free in limited version on line as a download or at the Jeopardy TV site. I tried a couple of Jeopardy contests and did about as well as I thought I would. When I was a teenager I could answer most of the questions, but not now. I have forgotten much of the trivia that stays with a teenage mind but disappears in an older one. But I do pretty well in knowledge contest, having grown up watching my dad answer every quiz question on every TV show correctly. He was amazing with that kind of activity because he never forgot anything he read or heard. My brother was the same way, so he must have inherited that from my father. Sigh...I mostly inherit defects, not excellence.
I disposed of the game search after that and wondered why anyone would spend time playing the myriad of games that those free game sites offer. So next I went back to Goggle itself to see what that site has to offer. It seems that Google is now the dominate site on the net, with even msn falling behind. Google has a quite plain home page, just a search dialogue box and a few items on the toolbar. One of them is "news". They have their own news page, a surprise to me. Somehow I have trouble believing any news on Google News would be serious an accurate. It's like Mc Donald's claiming to sell gourmet food. There is no logic to the juxtaposition of quality and those two. I think Google wants to rule the Internet world, but Microsoft always has the last laugh.
I suppose this E mail is as big a waste of your time as was my "fooling around" on the computer. But it gives me an intro when asking you about your internet preferences. What do you like to log onto when you are on line? What are your favorite sites and activities on line?

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