Saturday, June 27, 2009

Do You Want To Read A Secret

Got a secret to share, but want to do it semi anonymously? Yep! There is even a web site for that. I was watching my local TV news broadcast and a commercial told me all about
The site is by a deodorant product of the same name and is innocuous, as all "secrets" are screened for appropriateness to a general audience. So while someone may confess to being unhappy at announcing she was a lesbian, you will not get the details of kinky sex (darn it!). And most of the posts are by women, the biggest purchasers of deodorant products and probably the most like to "share" their inner most thoughts.
I went to the site to see what kinds of secrets were there, but my plan to create and post a silly secret was thwarted by the fact that all secrets are carefully screened (from clowns like me) and subject to being censored form the site. Here are a few of the secrets posted, all very general and with only a first name as an identifier of the person who posted it.
- My boyfriend is not good enough for me
-I have been bulimic for 25 years
- I like to play with Barbie doll
- I think I might be bisexual
- I am in love with my best friend
- I fart a lot in my sleep
- I dated you for your money
- I have a crush on my cousin
The secrets are not shocking ones (no one said "I murdered my lawyer last night") and there is no elaboration of the secret, no details. I suppose the site was created for publicity for the Secret Deodorant company and that the people who list the site just do it for fun or to "tell someone" their secret without anyone knowing who they are.
But I think this site is a good starting point for more detailed secrets; the dirty, the disgusting, the shocking, the sad, the juicy ones that Secrets won't list on it's site. To my knowledge there is no such web site for those more gruesome secrets other than some minor ones ( and that I found in a quick google search. But knowing the mentality of people today- the cell addicted, gossip mongering, celebrity haunting, reality TV society in which we live would make such a site a big success for a major web site or browser to promote it.
Sooooooooooo, since that does not exist now Consider me your confessor today. Hehe I want to hear your biggest secret here at

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