Saturday, June 27, 2009

Celebrities Save Us

Are you tired of celebrities telling you to donate to a cause, simple because they say you should? How arrogant of them! Apparently, according to Angelina, an African man and woman today can't even have and raise their baby without that crazy woman, Madonna or a growing list of celebrities urging non Africans to adopt away the African babies.
What about Matt Damon and a cast of other actors and actresses warning us about the so called, speculative "global warming". Matt and the rest tell me that I am no good and an earth killer if I don't take whatever course of action he says is right to "save the planet". My God! Save the planet?? Those idiotic celebrity do gooders can't even save themselves form a life of too much ego, drugs and self important. How can they expect to save the planet when human beings can't even save themselves? But of course, most of humanity is sheep, led to the intellectual slaughter by Hollywood celebrities, self appointed but credential less "experts" (can you say "Oprah"?), religious and political leaders with agendas, the trendy know who these savers are.
That Oprah character really puzzles me. How did she become the world's moral leader? Hehe I laughed recently when Oprah reacted to criticism of one of her "save the planet" projects. It's that school for black south African kids" she spend untold millions building and equipping. When some had the audacity to say Oprah may have spent too much and equipped that school with the very material things she often says are evil, she reacted with a racist comment, "I don't have to explain myself to white people", that amazingly enough has been excused. But I guess Oprah and the other save the planet people can do and say whatever they wish with impunity.
Well, I don't listen to those people or select an "expert" to follow based on how trendy the opinion offered. I have always been taught that it is best to actually think for oneself... to judge the merit of the proposal or idea after reacting to the subject spoken, not the subject who spoke it. more thing. I don't like Hollywood movies very much. In my view they are of low quality, pabulum for the common and injurious to the brain. But there are some actors and actresses I like. they are the ones who are acting, not being celebrities. People like Tom Hanks. Tom makes movies. he doesn't try to make himself into a social activist movie. He films, talks about movies and leaves the saving of the planet to the self righteous like Oprah, Angelina and Matt.
The good ones never make themselves more important than their films. They keep quiet because they are just actors, not celebrities. I think they have all learned that they can't and shouldn't "save the planet". Instead, they work on making themselves better, saving themselves... if you will. And you know what! Those are the ones I listen too and learn from. They are worthy of respect and admiration.
As for the others....I wish they would just they global warm themselves out of my face. Hehe Just a personal observation today. No need to call the nut house to have me locked away.

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