Saturday, April 11, 2009

World's Richest

I read the list of the Forbe's magazine 2005 world's 10 richest people list. It seems the rich keep expanding their number. In 2005 there were a record number of billionaires, 793 to be exact. This was up 102 from 2004. And even though nearly half of the world's billionaires are from the United States (No! I am not one of them), the billionaires can be found all over the globe. India now has 10 billionaires, second most to the U.S., and China has 8 of the 793 billionaires on the list.
By nationality, here is how the 10 ten billionaire list is dispersed. The U.S. has three of the ten, including number one on the list, Microsoft's Bill Gates (worth $50 billion dollars). Mexico, Switzerland, England, France, Saudi Arabia, Canada and China each have one of the ten spots. Having written about this I ask you a few questions? How much money do you think is "enough" for a person to control"? What do you think is the value of money? Have you ever dreamed about being super rich? Would being that wealthy change your behavior or attitude?
I have been told by a number of people in other countries that some of those Buddhist priests are a s frisky as the Catholic priest who seem to have a bent for sex with boys. In most cases the Buddhist priest have been caught with females, but the number of sex scandals involving them is rising. The latest comes from Hiroshima, Japan, where a Japanese Buddhist priest was arrested for having paid sex with a teenage girl.
Oh my...I guess that priest was giving a different kind of sacrament to that girl. Itushi Ehara, 73, is the chief priest of a prefecture in Hiroshima and the head of a nursery school there. After admitting to having paid the 15 year old girl $675 to have sex in a hotel in downtown Tokyo, Itusha said, "I could not resist my lust. A lot of stress built up from running the school." But wait! He is also believed to having paid for other girls from the same prostitute dispatch service where he met this one.
Well, it's not good to exploit a 15 year old girl that way, but I suspect that since news of this scandal broke applications for the position of Buddhist monk at that Hiroshima prefecture have become a flood.

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