Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Leo Says It, So It Must Be True

I am going after a favorite trendy subject today, Global warming. Indulge my mini rant from me today about movie stars and global warming. It's about movie stars and other celebrities who use their popularity to push an agenda, questionable or real. In a recent case it's Titanic star Leonardo Di Caprio.
Leo thinks he is an expert on the environment (Ha! Then he should have known about those icebergs that the Titanic hit, and steered away from them) and in particular that the hypothesized but questionable "global warming" is the world's number one menace. "Global warming is not only the No. 1 environmental challenge we face today, " said Leo in a barrage of hyperbole.
So Leo will start production a propaganda documentary called 11th Hour", a full length feature that "explores global warming". Now I know it is unfair to judge a film that has yet been made, but let's assume it is another ridiculous sensationalism (like "The Day After"), for so much of what Hollywood d shows us about "critical issues" is a slanted and unscientific view.
My rant is against this kind of film. Surely, Leo or anyone else has a right to make it, but the harm such films do is incalculable. Viewers trust their "starts" and tend to accept the pabulum they give them. Hence, we will likely have even more misinformation about the unproved theory of Global Warming.
Most movie viewers are not interested in depth or scientific opinion about Global warming. They will welcome an entertaining film (Remember the absurd "titanic" that Leo appeared in? Was there any accuracy in that beyond the ship reconstruction?) and succumb to the propaganda it purports as truth. I doubt that the film will clearly run a disclaimer showing that the content is not based scientific fact. Such films rarely do. But silly films seems to be great cultural transmitters. They form views for many who are not interested or too lazy to seek more depth about critical topics.
So the average movie goer will be "educated" by Leo about Global Warming. Sigh....It's enough to make me want to "burn" down all the theaters that will show such tripe.
Do you go ahead and get a special 2006 calendar? Forget those you already have! Throw it away and get the premier wall calendar for 2006. It's Bible Porno edition. Haha That's right. A German Protestant youth group has offered for sale a most "unusual" edition of calendars, one that has 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible. Hurry! Hehe It even includes a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair (Well,,,,Samson should be grateful that's all she cut!) and nude Eve offering an apple.
Oh, my! The preachers must be up in arms over this one. One model for the pictures posed standing on a doorstep while dressed in garters and stockings as the prostitute Rehab who is cited in both the Old and New Testament versions of the Bible). The model for that scene, Anne Rohmer, said in the understatement of all time, "We wanted to represent the Bible in a different way and to interest young people."
One look at that photo may indeed "raise" the interest of some young males. Think Anne is a little confused about the purpose of scripture. Well, Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, is even less traditional about scripture than is Anne. "It's just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the Bible, " Bernd said.
Hmmmmm maybe, but I think those teens would actually prefer to commit themselves to Anne!
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