Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More Islamic Intolerance

More intolerance recently has been coming from the extremist elements of Islam. The latest idea from the crazy Mullahs and their blind supporters is that no one has the right to joke about Islam or "Prophet Mohammed". It's the cultural war all over again. but this time the U.S. isn't the target.
It's Europe that the Islamic nations threaten for daring to run cartoons in European newspapers that include satire about Islamism as well as other religions. In Tunisia and Morocco the French newspaper France Soir and Danish paper JyllandsProsten are banned after showing cartoons that involved Muhammad. It's no surprise that free speech is nonexistent in those dictatorships, but extending it to foreign nations is a bit much for me to take.
In Qatar, the Carrefour Supermarket said it has "voluntarily" stopped selling all products from Denmark in protest. "Muslims should display firm reaction to such disgraceful acts, " said Iranian President Mahamoud Ahmadinejad. Ha! Disgraceful acts? Free speech? I would think those dictators would be more concerned with real disgraceful acts by their own governments and people- terrorism, butchery and murder against innocent citizens, suppression of even the most basic freedoms in Islamic countries, virtual enslavement and degradation of women there....
Those are a few the islamic fanatics could start with while thumbing through European cartoons in search of imagined demons. I applaud the European countries for not giving in to such nonsense. many others besides the "infidels countries who originally published the humor pieces, including Spain, Germany, Hungary and Switzerland, have reprinted the cartoons for their own readers. Bringing about more paranoia from extremist Muslims that the cartoons are a plot against Islam and Muslims.
One would think the Muslim world would respect Western ideals enough to not try to control them, but in this age of super sensitivity and imagined slight, dictators and maniacal Mullahs use such incidents to capture the masses so they may be more easily manipulated for other causes. No doubt the Arab governments are instigating the protests as a way of manipulating public opinion.
In my view the west should accelerate it's free speech when it is attacked from the outside. The issue is a petty one for most, but it is symbolic that Islamics can not be allowed to manipulate policy of other countries on the basis of bogus religious symbolism issues. Those countries must take a stand and protect their own freedoms and rights. Oh... I guess I have had my rant. What do you think?
Sex Education has gone bonkers in South Africa. Well, at least in Mafa Chauke's classes. Mafa, who is a sex ed teacher In Port Elizabeth, has been sentences to three years probation after he propositioned female teenage students by asking them to let him "sign their bottoms". Haha Relax, this is not a subliminal request for me to sign your bottom. Mafa must be a wild and crazy guy because court testimony shows he has been putting his signature on female butts at the school since 2002.
But the sentence calling for probation and a court ordered rehabilitation program instead of jail time has some parents there outraged. There are rumors that a petition will be signed to present to the court asking for a re-sentencing. Ugh.....I know what you are thinking. NO! The petition for signatures in protest isn't on the bottom of one of the girls Mafa signed...

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