Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fat Business

Fat mail today.... The fattening of America is becoming more and more apparent to me every day. No, no..not just seeing the fat people wandering in public, but even in products being sold to consumers here. There is definitely a fattier range of choices for American consumers today. From car seats for fat little babies to huge triple wide caskets for the obese to rest in peace., I am noticing more and more fat related products at malls and other retail outlets.
For instance, even in mainstream stores the xx-large sizes of yesterday now are expanded to extra-extra-extra-extra large pants and other clothes for fat men, and sizes ranging above size 30 for the fat ladies of America. (Don't ask me what size I wear..) It's because next to the obese Germans, Americans are the fattest people on earth.
Estimates are than about 65% of American adults are overweight and about 30% of the kids are too fat. If you go to nay on-line search engine and enter "fat sizes" or "fat consumer products" there won't be a shortage of links to view. There are extra wide doors, chairs, and beds on sale. There are vacation resorts that cater to the obese and promise privacy for the fatties who stay there, comfort with extra sturdy equipment and no skinnies to stare at the vacationers. It foes on and on... Why even the fast food restaurants here will "super size" your food order, a not uncommon practice for patrons there. Before I leave you and head of the all you can eat buffet (just kidding!)
I want to defend the fatties son one count. It is hard for them to function in society at their weight. Surely they face ridicule, discrimination, discomfort and unhappiness. I know few fat people who want to be obese. In some cases it really isn't their fault. As for the fat consumer who is fat of his or her own accord, I think it is a double edge sword for business to a cater to their "disease".
Should we reward fat people with products that hide their fatness? If we do, they may have a shorter and less rewarding life span as a result. Or should society scorn and embarrass fatty to motivate weight loss? What do you think? Uh... you really should put down that triple scoop ice cream cone so you can answer....
The world's "unsexiest man" has been chosen and i can breathe a sigh of relief in not being chosen the winner. According to the Boston Phoenix newspaper, I'll have to be even less appealing to overtake the winner- comedian Gilbert Gottfried, the parrot voiced, pickle faced voice of many of Disney cartoon villians.
In second place is New York Yankee baseball pitcher Randy Johnson, with TV critic Roger Ebert third....and actor Brad Pitt made the list at number 100, supposedly because the selectors said he lacks proper hygiene and often "smells bad". Oh...everybody's least favorite excuse for a human, Osama bin Laden finished at number eight.
I am thankful for the Gotfired and bin Laden's of the world, for they mean I would not be the last chosen (maybe) for a date by a pretty lady. Other notables on the list were Michael Jackson (Is he a male? I am not sure what sex he is...but I guess Michael isn't sure either) and Beastie By ugly Mike Diamond. Ok, having written this, tell me what you think makes a man attractive to you? Apart from the physical ones, what qualities do the sexy men have that the unsexy don't .

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