Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lady Lust For Teen Boys

What's going on in the teen romance department these days? No, no...I don't mean romance between school girls and school boys. I am referring to the burgeoning incidence of adult females having sex with their teenage studs. That's right. We have seen several such cases surface, the latest being between Lisa Clark, 37, and a 15 year old boy who was the friend of Lisa's own 15 year old son.
You might have read of it. Lisa is pregnant with the boy's child but in jail on charges of child molestation after having that sexual relationship and then marrying the boy (because of a loophole in Georgia law that allows a juvenile to marry an adult if she is pregnant). So Lisa is in jail and her 15 year old husband sits in a juvenile detention center because of criminal charges against him.
Haha The boys grandma wants the marriage annulled saying the couple will stay married only "when I am laid out and candle lit. I already have a family and don't need another one with a pedophile in it," she added. Then there was the infamous mary Kay Letourneau case. Mary Kay, then a school teacher, started having sex with her "man", Vili Filau, when he was a sixth grader in Mary Lou's class.
Or how about Debra Lafava, a newlywed schoolteacher who has been accused of having sex with a favored 14 year old. And there are more. So why is there seemingly a greater lust these days between adult women and teenage boys? the stock answer from psychiatrists is that the women "feel young again" or "bring back memories of the happy times of youth"
But I have another theory for you. I think these sexual relationships are reflective of the blurring in this society between child and adult roles. Today it is often hard to distinguish the two roles, because they are often one in the same. Society tends to nudge our kids to "grow up" fast, to dress, act, and behave like adults rather than kids. It's no wonder the line between teenager and adult is becoming harder to decipher. This may explain why those women (Of course I know that adult men also have relationships with teen girls, but I am only referring to the lady lust today) see attractive teenagers as eligible prey.
My question to you is whether more of this kind of romance is also happening in every country? Or is this just an American aberration? Well?

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