Saturday, April 11, 2009

We Missed The List!

The list of most fit and least fit Americans cities is out! The good news is that New Orleans is not the fattest, sloppiest city this year, according to Men's Fitness magazine...but probably only because there is virtually no New Orleans left after Hurricane Katrina. The bad news is that in the list of top 25 fittest New Orleans doesn't appear and wouldn't, even if it did exist! Ha! We will always be regarded as a bastion of fatness.
Baltimore was named the 2005 most fit city with Honolulu coming in second place. As for the fatties, Chicago, the home of greasy sausages and pizza, was number one this year. Houston, Texas, a city close to New Orleans which has stolen many of our fatty foods and restaurants, slipped from number one fatty to number two behind Chicago. Strangely, Baltimore has had a reputation for loving greasy, sugary foods. And Baltimore was only the 25th fittest in 2004.
Why the changes? It's because that poll is probably too subjective. In the case of Baltimore it has an increase in public park space, greater access to health care facilities this year, fewer fast food restaurants than other cities and the fact that Baltimore is considered a safer and more prosperous city, all have made Baltimore number one according to Men's Fitness magazine.
But wait! A rival magazine, Men's Health, has Baltimore ranked with an "F" for health and w quality of life an 93rd for "100 Best Cities for Men". Having said that, as a representative New Orleanian, I am outraged that we are not on the fatty list! And we should be re-instated as number one fatty (they knocked us from our Number One Fatty title in 03) , even though we have few people left after the storm.
It should be obvious we are the true fatty. Just put New Orleans into a search engine and you will see. What comes up is usually food, drinking and other excesses. The list will have restaurants, drinking holes, and neighborhood food finds prominently displayed. There isn't much of that in Baltimore. Sigh..first the Hurricane took our property, now Men's Fitness has taken our fat reputation! I should go eat a donut to lament this disgrace.
From the "They All Must Be Nuts" Department comes word that some people are now implanting computer chips into their they don't have to remember their computer passwords.
That's right! Tiny radio frequency computer chips (RFID) have been surgically implanted into their hands. the chips are activated when they come in contact of a reader, which scans the data on the chips. RFID chips are very small, about the size of a grain of rice, and can last up to 100 years. Even a tattoo artist or a vegetarian can insert them into the hand, and the reader devices that work with them cost only about $50 apiece. But is that really necessary?
Is it the first step to control of humans by implanting computer chips? Would you have a RFD implanted? Not I!

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