Saturday, April 11, 2009

Walled Treasures

Even though it's been seven months since hurricane Katrina many homes still have not even been entered, much less gutted of their interior. But one resident who finally had her home cleaned out got quite a surprise. As a student volunteer from Georgia named Trista Wright was tearing out walls that were inundated with 10 feet of water last summer, she found something familiar..a picture of Ben Franklin , withered and moldy..but ..yes...the same picture found on U.S. currency. Trista then found more and more of the money as she tore into the wall, $30,000 worth in the end!
The money was turned over to police who eventually gave it to the happy homeowner for her to exchange with he U.S. Federal Reserve Banks (They print and issue U.S. money) for more updated money in better condition. The owner says she suspects the money was put into the wall during the great depression of the 30's by her father, who was wary of keeping his money in banks. It's a treasure the lady will need, as her home was flooded above the gutters and completely devastated by the rushing waters. No, home or contents left, and still waiting for her insurance settlement, the walled treasure will help her either demolish the home or continue to repair damages.
It's also a nice story that the student volunteer (there are many college students here, those who have given up spring break vacations to help gut or repair the endless numbers of destroyed housing in New Orleans) found the money and also immediately turned it over to authorities so it could be given to the owner. Unfortunately , the good stories like that one are rare here. Most of the time my morning newspaper is filled with abominations.
For example, on the same day that treasure was found U.S. immigration agents (finally) made an arrest of some of the thousands of illegal Hispanic (mostly Mexican) immigrants who have flooded the city after the storm (seeking work or to commit crimes), Immigration is notorious for pretending illegal immigrants don't exist, for sitting and watching as they flood into the U.S.
But this incident sparked a response because residents of the city complained about crimes in the area where they have been loitering. Forty illegals in that group were arrested and twelve had extensive criminal records, including violent and gang activity.
In keeping with the stupidity of U.S. Immigration the other 28 illegals were set free and are back on the streets today. The twelve criminals will have a deportation hearing next week. One of the released, who spoke English, was interviewed by local TV and remarked that "I don't care if they arrest me or even deport me. They will pay my ticket home and I will be back tomorrow." He laughed at the U.S. immigration policy, but most of New Orleans feel like crying.
It is estimated that fully 20% of the resident s of New Orleans today are illegal Hispanic immigrants. Most have little education, many are here setting up gangs or selling drugs, some commit crimes and even rob the few possessions still in houses that are ruined and open to anyone who walked into the windowless or door less structures. Even in my suburb I see hordes of Hispanics hanging around the area in groups where contractors in pickup trucks cruise, flashing a certain number of fingers out the windows to employ that number ion the spot.
As easily as building contractors find those workers, U.S. Immigration agents don't seem to notice. The "storm" of illegal immigrants here is often as intense as Hurricane Katrina itself. The latest outsourcing product, in which a good from America is sent abroad and then returned in an upgraded form. may surprise you.
Get ready for this...I am not's sperm. That's right, they are now outsourcing sperm. In a program established by a Richmond, Virgina firm, a potential father's sperm is shipped to a lab in Bucharest Romania, to fertilize eggs of the local residents there. The result is an embryo that is frozen and returned to the United States for implanting into the mother, at about half the domestic price.
No, I am not going to make a cynical remark here....but I wouldn't mind it terribly if I were outsourced to meet some of those cute Romanian ladies...

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