Saturday, April 11, 2009

Smile, You're On Car Camera

Every time I look around when driving I see an out of state license plate. Most are on trucks, trucks that carry out of state construction crews her to fix damaged homes. Bit many cars are filled with workers too. One can't drive for more than a minute or so without seeing a different state license plate.
The problem is that many of those out of state cars and trucks (and some locals too) are running stop signs and red lights, ignoring them at peril to everyone. Since all of the workers have multiple jobs at high rates of compensation to do, they are in a hurry. With little police available since the storm it is impossible to enforce the law that requires stopping at stop signs or red lights.
Given that, the parish has announced that to save lives and prevent accidents it may install cameras at busy intersections to catch motorists in the act of bolting through red lights or stop signs. This is done other places, so despite some protests that it is an invasion of privacy to film a driver and then mail him a traffic ticket based on what the video shows, it is likely to happen here. Cameras seldom distort what happens and in other places few drivers contest those traffic tickets. They usually just pay the fine and avoid the cost to the state of holding court sessions for contesting the tickets. It sounds fair to me.
Speaking od road s distractions. How about sexy billboards announcing the sale of sex toys, lingerie and adult videos? Should those be allowed near busy highways? That question came up recently in Kansas City, Missouri. And according to the federal judge who heard sex store owner John Haltom's lawsuit against the state of Missouri that made the law prohibiting those ads near highways, the answer is "no".
John says the ban denies his right to "free commercial speech". The judge says that John can only advertise "non-adult items" in places where minors can not avoid seeing the sexy stuff. I guess the drivers in Kansas City will now just have to use their imagination when driving along that highway.

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