Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What About Protesting Them

I have an observation about this ridiculous cartoon protest by extremists Muslims. You know, the dispute between western nations that assert the right to freedom of the press, versus the fundamentalist Islamic belief that any cartoon representation of Mohammed (though those same Islamics print critical cartoons of Christian and Judaic religious symbols) is forbidden. The protests span from Egypt to Syria to Palestine to Nigeria even to a few western nations. I think the protesters May be missing the boat on their cartoon protests.
Why, Mohammed isn't the only image they should "protect" by violent, even deadly "protests". I have a few other cartoons I think the nutty fundamentalists should put on their protest agenda.. 1) Wiley Coyote- Wiley is a homicidal maniac! Surely, Muslim rules forbid the kind of stalking that Wiley does in trying to kill The Road Runner.
2) Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck- Elmer and Daffy are walking advertisements for the speech impaired. How can any wise Muslim allow their sons and daughters to see such slack in verbiage? It's been more than 50 years and Daffy and Elmer still make no attempt to go to speech therapy. Praise Allah, and kidnap those two so we can force them into speech therapy.
3) Wonder Woman- She has got to go! Maybe beheading WW would be the best solution, for she represents everything a fundamentalist Islamic hates in women. She's strong, courageous, kicks men in the butt, and even has the gaul to wear that sexy skimpy Wonder Woman outfit.
4) Betty Boop- Just look at Betty. She is virtually undressed, wears too much make-up and gives Muslim ladies a bad role model.
5) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- These guys are so much like the Fundamentalists they have to be taken out. Don't we all think those nutty protesters must be mutants of one sort or another?
6) Sponge Bob- Sponge Bob is just to happy and tolerant for those little fundamentalist Muslim wannebees. Why if those little Muslims see Spongebob they might be infected and actually develop respect for other views and cultures. This can not be allowed! Let's organize a jihad against any TV station that shows that heretic Sponge Bob.
7) Peter Pan- Hey! Those protesters live in their own fantasy world. Peter pan may remind them too much of themselves.
8) Dopey, Grumpy and Happy- Some of Snow White's dwarfs just set bad examples for the faithful fundamentalist Muslim protester. Dopey represents the average IQ of the Muslim cartoon protester, Grumpy are the Imans and Mullahs who create such phony protests in order to manipulate the faithful, and Happy is not what a fundamentalist Islamic should be!
I guess those eight are a good start for more relevant protesting..excuse me while I go hide from the protesters. I think may want my infidel head on a stick.

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