Wednesday, April 1, 2009

State Of Today's Pop Music

Don McLean (now about 60 years old) was quite a pop icon in the late 60's and early 70's. He was a wunderkind song writer who penned, among others, the classic "American Pie". Do you know that song? Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie. Took my Chevy to the levee and.... that's the intro. If you are not familiar with the song I should just mention that it is an ode to rock and roll, a history of rock and roll from it's inception in the 50's to the early 70's when the tune was written.
I always liked the song and hear it frequently played. In fact, Madonna had a hit a few years ago with a version of it she recorded. Don Mclean had many more hits until "running dry" , as songwriters say. Running dry means the writer just can't write any more good tunes. He or she has run out of creative juices. But Mc Lean still sings and performs around the country to bug crowds.
Why I mention Don Mc Lean is his comments the other day about today's music. You see, Don Mclean and I have the same view of music today. I'll let him speak for me, since he does it eloquently. "I think most of what I hear out there is amateur stuff and worse: poorly written, poorly sung, " he said in an article I read in my newspaper today. "I don't grade music on a curve, but the world seems to be doing that, " he added. "I just don't hear real melodies, beautiful melodies. that's why the old songs are carrying the record companies today. They put them on hundreds and hundreds of compilations. I myself make a fortune on them.
It is true. I can't even count the number of times that a popular artists today has copied the tunes of the past, re record them to big success because there just isn't may good songs being written today. Further, today's audience, largely unaware that a song is an oldie being redone, doesn't even know that their favorite singers are "stealing" oldies because they just can't write themselves.
But in fairness, I understand each generation has a right to like whatever music it deems best. Like Don Mc lean I do not mean to label today's music "bad", just that it is bad for me. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree that popular music quality is at a low state?
My favorite Bangkok residents are at their mischief again. Yep, those beautiful Bangkok lady boys are up to new tricks to steal from unsuspecting tourists who have a hanker for hanky-panky. The reputation of those Thai trannies for fooling tourists seems to grow daily. Often they convince the lust struck tourist to take them home for the night, and then proceed to lift the victims wallet rather than his..uh...thing.
Members of a transvestite gang were nabbed by Bangkok police and have confessed to a new ruse for stealing. They admitted to concealing a strong sedative pill under their tongues and then spitting them down the throats of their victims while deeply, passionately kissing the unwary men and women victims. The aroused tourists then passed out and has his or her wallet or purse stolen by the tranny.
Police said that three "very attractive transvestites" admitted stealing more than $7.300 in cash and valuables from one Bangladesh businessman. Dressed in sexy outfits they attracted the man's eye in a Bangkok nightclub. He proceeded to invite all three back to his apartment where, after arrival, he kissed one of the lady boys, felt dizzy and then passed out. Ten hours later he awoke to find his cash, watch, mobile phone, notebook computer and probably- his dignity- had disappeared along with the three beauties.
One of the three lady boys has confessed, saying He/She has been using the pill method for several months on many victims (who were too embarrassed to report their experiences to police). The three await formal charges that could bring up to six years in prison for each. But wait! You think that kissing scheme was clever. Not so fast. In Pattaya several years ago, one lady boy gang had a better idea for relieving tourists of their money. They were nabbed by police and admitted to putting strong sedatives on their nipples in order to drug and steal from their customers.

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