Saturday, April 11, 2009

Food Police Report

I am quite a mix of nationalities (Thank God, not a drop of French blood!!!), mostly German, but some Irish and English too. It is Friday, March the 17th as I type to you, so it's St. Patrick's Day as I write this. Retired me had time to make Irish (lamb) stew. I used carrots, onions, and potatoes from the parade lot we caught, bought the lamb, and used other seasonings and veggies from the kitchen.
Since my mom died I always make this stew, because she always made and ate it with my dad. Too bad Jane won't eat lamb now. But that will change as she grows and tries more foods. The food police took another hit the other day. I refer to those alleged "authorities" who insist on the benefits of certain foods and rail away against others (usually good tasting items) as "unhealthy. Without going into my view that it isn't what you eat, but how much that makes a food bad, I love the latest research report on one of those foods the food nuts claim is a miracle eat- soy foods. According to extensive research by the American Heart Association, the questionable claim that soy helps prevents heart disease is now refuted.
After a decade of studies on soy's potential benefits the conclusion is that soy or even soy supplements do not lower cholesterol or have any benefit for overall health! Yeah! I am toasting the report with a nice greasy donut. This means those phone claims on soy products, the ones that say they are "healthy" may be stricken by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Hehe i can't wait to see soy and donuts side by side, equals nutritionally, but surely not in taste.
The panel also found that neither soy nor the soy component the food nuts claim is a panacea to a healthy body, isoflavone, have any benefit in the bogus claims soy sellers make- that soy will reduce symptoms of menopause (I get hot flashes only if deprived of donuts, not soy!), in preventing breast cancer, uterine cancer or prostate cancer.
Further, the study suggests not using soy containing foods in preventing any of those problems, as well as in reducing cholesterol. So grab that fried chicken, chocolate chi cookie and creamy milkshake to toast the death of another food myth designed to not make us healthy, but rather only to kill good taste.
Here's a twist on the stereotypical of Thai lady boy. You know, the men who transform themselves into sexy feminine types. A Thai prostitute who was arrested in Singapore and sentence to be caned for drug dealing, has escaped the beating after a doctor established that the he was a she. That is, thought the passport says the suspect is 'male', it's only because of an operation to remake the lady into a man.
Singapore's drug laws provide for different punishments for males and females, and in the case of males, there is a 15 lash whipping as part of the sentence for convicted drug dealers. Females convicted are not subject to caning. In this case it was great to be a lady again, I suppose. Court ordered tests showed that the suspect had the sex change, from female to male, 10 years ago. The She/He still faces Singapore's strict punishments for of drug dealing, including the imposition of the death penalty in some cases of drug dealing. Hmmmmmmm I think She /He may be out of identity switches to escape that one.

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