Saturday, April 11, 2009

Love That Spam

I got a funny spam today. Instead of describing it I have attached it for your own reading. Haha I am not buying that viagra, but I will give the creator of this spam an A+ for originality in her sales approach and for the humor of it.
Nancy Brown wrote:

You are still thinking of getting Vi-a-g-r-a for the best erection. Hurry up, your wife's lover already got them. With our Vi-a-g-r-a you can even have sex with your ex.
Click Here!

Get all the attention from gorgeous ladies! Check out Vi-a-g-r-a Be strong and passionate with Vi-a-g-r-a Your neighbors lost their alarm-clock. Don't worry, the sounds of your satisfaction from having sex with our new Soft Vi-a-g-r-a will make them wake up every morning or even have sleepless nights if you enlarge your dose.
Well, what do you think? Would the neighbors be restless if I purchased Nancy's Viagra? Haha How frustrating for some Americans is the lack of concern by the U.S. government about illegal immigration problem here? Take the case of two New Hampshire town police chiefs as an example.
The two, New Ipswich Chief Garrett Chamberlain and Hudsen, Hew hampshire Chief Richard Gendron are so upset with the Bush administration indifference toward illegal immigrants who openly enter and stay here, that they recently tried to enforce the immigration law that the federal government is charged with executing, but ignores. They arrested a group of illegals on state charges of "trespassing", after being stopped on traffic violations and they admitting they were in the U.S. illegally.
But alas! This attempt to apprehend the criminals that the federal officials have no desire to catch was thwarted by a local judge who ordered the illegal immigrants freed because the two chiefs "violated the U.S. Constitution by trying to enforce federal laws". That's right! The illegal immigrants were turned loose and remain free to this day, as federal immigration officers have declined to arrest the group and deport them as they should under U.S. immigration law. Though local law enforcement officials around the country who are besieged by the millions of illegal, mostly Mexican and central American immigrants who pour into the U.S. each year, cheered the novel way to boot out illegal aliens, apparently the judge ruling has again frustrated the hope here that someone, somewhere in our government will put an end to the invasion of illegal, largely poor and illiterate immigrants who flaunt immigration rules and cause massive social and economic problems after their arrival.
As New Ipswich Chief Chamberlain said after hearing of the judge ruling to allow the illegals to go free, "I feel, given the situation today, I did what I had to do to protect the citizens of my community. It's unfortunate that the U.S. federal government has allowed our immigration situation to get to this point."
There's another controversy in the news today that may even overshadow the gradual destruction of the U.S. by the influx of millions of illegals.'s bigger news for the oldie crowd. You see, a Yokohama, Japan couple aged 104 and 103 plant to stake claim to what they feel is rightfully theirs, but what is in the hands of another couple in the U.S. It's the tittle to "World's Oldest Married Couple".
Yoichi and Kazono Gomi, married 72 years, want to claim the title over Philadelphia's Herbert and Magda Brown, 105 and 100 respectively, and currently listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest. Well...207 years does top 205 years. And how did the Gomi's last so long together? Mr. Gomi said the secret of living so long while being married is simple. "You have to want ot be alive/" (most married couples seem not too..) "We enjoy spending time together". (At that age, just breathing is an enjoyment!).
But Mrs. Gomi is a contrariana nd shook her head "no"as her man reeled off the list for making it through al' those years. "You get bored just living such a long time. I don't enjoy anything any more," she said.
Hmmmmmm Looks like they are not only the oldest married couple but the one with the most disagreements too.

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