Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cell Ranting Again

Another quick comment about my favorite things to hate. Is it just me or has this whole cell phone obsession gotten completely out of hand? Who besides a transplant surgeon or an obstetrician needs to be reachable 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
Yesterday while in a grocery store practically all of the "shoppers" were wandering aimlessly (blocking the aisles as they chatter on their precious phones) engaged with their phones, not their shopping chore. I still can hear that loud woman screaming into her phone insults about a friend of hers who apparently had angered her.
Is a public forum the place for such hostility and anger to be displayed? Oh, and the lady who recited to her husband on the other end of her phone the choices available for each every selection she was to buy. And then there was the woman (all all these cell nuts female?) who crashed into me with her basket because she was too interested in her social call to watch where she pushed her basket. Don't even ask! She did not say "Excuse me" after her assault.
And how about the man (Finally, a male cell nut too) who's obnoxious sounding phone ring startled nearly everyone in the store. Rap music is bad enough, but at full volume from a phone it's intolerable. And that women....oh, you get the idea.
Is a person is so bored or unable to attend to his or her task without using his or her phone, then they should GO HOME or to a private spot and fulfill their fantasy by chatting endlessly about nothing on their cell cells! But please leave the rest of us out of their phone relationships. The world was a much better place when shoppers concentrated on their purchases, drivers on the road and patrons in public concentrated on that which they intend to do. I want that world back! Give me peace and quite and leave those phones at home.
If you think cell phone abusers are rude, try those Buenos Aires, Argentina World Aids Day organizers. What they did would make those cell phone nuts chatter even more on their phones. They covered the city's most famous landmark, The Obelisk, with a giant pink condom to mark recognition of World Aids Day! I wonder what mom and dad said to little Suzie and Fred when they asked, "What's that pink thing for?"
Well, the organizers didn't seem to care whether parents wanted their kids to get a premature education in sex with condoms. " It seemed like we could have the biggest impact by putting a condom on the most important symbol of the city, " said Sandra Castillo, an organizer of the project that required huge cranes to unfurl the pink condom over the 70 meter obelisk.
Well, it did make people there aware of Aids, but then..when those obnoxious cell nuts scream into their phones and annoy me, I am made aware of cell phone too. Hmmmmmmmm Maybe a better idea would be to in case those cell phones in condoms. At least we would have some peace and quiet for a while.

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