Saturday, April 11, 2009

Women Rulers

There is something in the wind these days, and it seems to be a growing phenomenon as we begin yet another assault on tradition. A couple of months ago Liberia became the first African nation with a female president. The Germans elected Angela Merkel as their first female chancellor. Then there is that lady from Chile (I can't remember her name) who is going to take office as Chilean president. point is that women are starting to take over as head of state in many countries. And I think this is for the better!
I read recently that since 1990 there have been more than 30 women elected or appointed as head of state. And more. In many governments women fill the seats of parliament. George Bush's "new Iraq" has about 1/4 of it's recently elected parliament with women. Even reactionary Afghanistan has a high portion of women in government. Too, some countries have quotas requiring a certain percent of elected officials be female.
So I ask you, is a female in power better than a male, or does it even matter? Many people, myself included, think women make better leaders than men, and that if we had only female heads of state we would have far fewer problems between and among nations. But why do I think so? Well, women seem more compassionate and more focused on improving health care, education and social welfare. And they are less interested in the great curse of mankind- a strong and aggressive military force. Is in not true too, that women are perceived as being less than we men?
Would a world run by women follow a different, more civilized code of behavior and rules? I think so. Well, at least until the new power they obtain made them as corrupt and aggressive as men. No matter. We will soon find out as the trend to having more women in power grows. As for me, I am ready to follow the ladies!
The awards for 2005 keep coming in. You, the "best of". Well in North Carolina they are taking a different approach to that when it comes to naming the "Best Business In Orange County, North Carolina" award. You see this year the winner "arouses" suspicion, because it is is a sex toy and video mail order business. Yep, the same company PHE Inc., the parent company of Adam and Eve, is the winner for 2005. That's the same one that was picked by ministers and searched by postal investigators in 2005.
Being a major taxpayer there and helping with the local animal shelter and family violence prevention center in Orange County seems to have "nailed" "put them on top", no, that phrase is naughty too..this year. Said Orange County Chamber of Business President, Robin Taylor-Hall, "We didn't have a problem giving them the award. We don't look at some of the items they sell." The company product line includes sex videos and even flavored sugar-free sex lubricants.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm Robin said she doesn't look at "some" of the items PHE sells. I think it's ok if she send me the rest. I'll study them for her.

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