Saturday, April 11, 2009

Debating Our Future

Interesting programming on national TV last night. A debate for an election in New Orleans, for mayor of the city, was shown live to the entire country on MS NBC. That a big cable V network would show our local election debate is unusual, but not at second glance. There were two reasons for doing this.
First, several hundred thousand New Orleanians who were forced to evacuate the city last August and have no homes left to return to in New Orleans after the devastation of the flooding, still remain in their evacuated residences (they are scattered in all 50 states). Those votes are eligible to vote by mail, as absentee voters or to come back to the city in person to cast their ballot, so showing the debate to the whole nation helped them glean information about the candidates.
Secondly, the nation has been asked to pay for rebuilding the city, and with our reputation for corrupt politics, the debate gives citizens not associated with this city a chance to see and hear the candidates. It is the hope that after seeing them perform in the debate, they will feel sympathetic toward our efforts to rebuild New Orleans, and will support that rebuilding (something they do not do now). A great irony of the telecast and debate is that the very day it was shown, yet another body was pulled from the massive debris that covers 2/3 of the city. Eight months after the storm, bodies are still being found. This is surely a testimony to the lack of effort and competence in so much as clearing the wrecked homes, cars and other structures that in some cases look just as they did eight months ago, the day after the storm.
Sadly, the performance by the candidates were largely light breezes, not strong winds. I think few outsiders would take anything from the debate other than chagrin at the disorganized, disingenuous and devious performances of the candidates. With their comments, the candidates not only won few votes from the electorate, they lost the opportunity to present a clear case for keeping New Orleans alive. This illegal immigration invasion of the U.S. is a mess, in more ways than one... a sin a toilet mess....
It seems that a principal trying to prevent walkouts during immigration rallies inadvertently introduced a lock down so strict that children weren't allowed to go to the bathroom, and instead had to use buckets in the classroom, an official at Worthington Elementary School said the other day.
Principal Angie Marquez imposed the lock down March 27 as nearly 40,000 students across Southern California left classes that morning to attend "immigrants' rights demonstrations". The lock down continued into the following morning (Oh my....even illegals need toilets). Principal Angie "No Pee" Marquez apparently misread the district handbook and ordered a lock down designed for nuclear attacks. Haha I think the toilet lock down might have gone nuclear had that stupid principal lengthened the ban. Tim Brown, the district's director of operations, confirmed some students used buckets but said the principal's order to impose the most severe type of lock down was an "honest mistake." The principal "followed procedure. She made a decision to follow the handbook. She just misread it."
Hmmmmmmmmm This principal may not be as dumb as I thought. If we lock all the toilets the illegal immigrants will have no place to go....except back to Mexico where toilets may seem like "milk and honey" and the U.S a messy place to avoid.

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