Saturday, April 11, 2009

Memory Games

I was in an electronics store a couple of days ago and saw some portable external hard drives. Since a very good one was on sale I bought it. No more flash drives for me. I got a 60 G hard drive that will store anything fro my computer and do it just as quickly as a flash drive. I think those portable hard drives use the same basic technology as flash drives because they work exactly the same way. When I replace this computer I will be able to transfer to the new one l my data, pictures and music, everything except programs (which won't work when moved) How is your memory? I mean, in relation to what it has been before.
We all have different abilities to remember things, some do it astoundingly well. Well, we how have trouble locating are car keys or forgetting to turn out lights should back away and watch the the contestants at the recent U.S. Memory Championships.
Take the case of the winner of that contest, a 23 year old science writer named Joshua Fore. Jonathan defeated the others by showing superior memory in six areas, including memorizing decks of playing cards, lines of unrecognizable poetry, and the names and faces of strangers printed in sheets of paper. Jonathan says he won the contest because he used something called the loci method, a visualization technique that has been around since the days of ancient Greece. The information is linked to familiar memories in order to remember the new. Jonathan says that an example of this loci method in the playing card memorization event would be to imagine the jack of diamonds, five of spades and six of diamonds as a friend who is kicking the pope. Jonathan actually named the order of every single card from a shuffled deck after studying it for less than two minutes. The world memory championship is scheduled for Malaysia next September, but Jonathan says he doesn't have a chance to win.
It seems that a man from England, world champ Ben Pridmore, can memorize a deck in. only 32 seconds. Ha! It takes me that long just to remember to zip up my pants before leaving the bathroom.
The only country that reportedly has more fat people than the U.S. is Germany. All those sausages, the beer, strudel and bread. It's no wonder. Well, one German hotel owner in Norde, Germany says it's time to slim down the men and women of Germany. Guests to Juergen Heckrodt's hotel have to jump on the scales to be weighed before signing it.
That's because Juergen is charging guests room rates based on their weight. At $.61 per kilogram it pays to be skinny. "I had many guests who were really huge, and I told them to slim down," said Juergen. "When they came back the year after and had lost a lot of weight they asked me what are you gonna do for me now?" That's when Juergen got the idea to inspiring Germans to become leaner by charging based on weight. but the fatties can relax. There is a basic 39 Euro price room rate price ceiling for the sausage lovers who need a room.

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