Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Diapered New Year

The Chinese New Year holiday is going on as usual most places, but it may be out of hand in China. It seems that this year one who celebrates also has a diaper or two on hand for the occasion. Ok, I know I make no sense most of the time here. But hear me out. It has been reported by newspapers in China that along with the usual firecrackers an food, there is now the diaper to buy for the Festival celebration.
Sales of diapers in China have soared this week ahead of the holiday as travelers prepare for the traditional long trip home to be with family. And this year the trains are even more crowded, so that toilets are either jammed or out of the question. That's right. Many are wearing diapers in anticipation of not finding a rest room on those 12 , 18 or 1 24 hour train rides that are packed with people. Twice as many tickets are sold as seats, so those without seats must find a place to park themselves on the train. Bathrooms are simply out of the question for many.
Is this madness? Do traditions like this one that compels everyone to go home on the CNY, sometimes out of control? It's bad enough that Muslims seem to trample each other every year in Saudi Arabian during that pilgrimage. But diapers and packed trains?
The China daily reported that, "During the peak travel period last year, some passengers became deranged on their journey's home because of the bad conditions and jumped out of the carriages." No thanks for me when a tradition is that uncomfortable. I'll keep the old year and turn in my diapers.
Want a new computer? Try moving to Mexico. That's because authorities in Mexico City have an offer for all residents. Turn in your gun and they will give you a brand new computer. It's an attempt to put a dent in the huge crime rate in Mexico City, where shootings are a daily occurrence, and where guns are used in the all too common muggings, carjackings and kidnappings there. As crazy an idea as it may sound, it is not an original one.
The computers-for-guns program was modeled after an earlier one that offered to trade groceries for guns. But I wonder if the criminals are the ones turning them in. Maybe the city should simply ban the sale of bullets and give those computers to the local schools. Of course I wouldn't suggest that if I were in Mexico City. A person would probably be shot for doing that!

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