Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pajamas In Public

I have a new rant. Just a little one this time, because for me it's a new aggravation of rudeness. I have seen it but twice this month but fear it may be a"fashion statement" of sorts that will make me want to close my eyes and bite my tongue. I am referring to the habit some women have of wearing pajama pants in public!
That's right. They wear their flannel pajama pants when going out in public. I can't understand why, unless it be another of those inane "follow the herd" fashions that we see from time to time. But who would want to look at another person who is wearing pajamas? Most often those seedy fashion statements are a reflection of the slovenly appearance of the wearer, as the pants are part of a dress-down appearance that is enough to make anyone question the intelligence of the wearer.
Today's incident happened in my bank where I was attempting to set up a bank draft. In walked in a mom( I think she was the mom) and her teenage daughter, who was dressed in a white T-shirt and plaid pajama pants with drawstring hanging out.
Hmmmm It was enough to make me forget about hating cell phones (Hehe But only for a few minutes). I think the young lady was perhaps 17 or 18 years of age, borderline as to whether under the control of her mom (or whomever the older woman was that was with her). But I wondered why anyone, mom or friend, would want to be seen with that cretin when she showed her pajamas at a bank.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a mother and her two children (those kids were dressed in dirty, inappropriate clothing as well) in her full nighty-nighty pajamas buying groceries at a supermarket. But why dress that way? Is it a lack of intelligence, a deliberate rebuke to the rest of civilized society", or a fashion statement that those idiots think is appealing. I know I won't be harmed by having to look at pajama clad women, but what if the fat guy next door decides to wear his pajamas? My God! The bank will have to provide barf bags to it's customers. Sigh..... I guess should get out of my pajamas and finish this blog now.

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