Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Winter Olympic Coverage

Most of the Winter Olympic Games were shown on TV , so I have watched a great deal of it. I refuse to look at figure skating, the "professional wrestling" of the Winter Games. What a travesty that is, from the silly pretentiousness of it to the crazy "judging" in which the winners are preselected before the event based on political gyration and favoritism. But I enjoy all the other events at the games.
Guess what I saw while watching some of the Opening ceremonies in the Olympic games? Hmmmmmm What drives me crazy more often than anything? Yep..those crazy cell phones. As unbelievable as it seems, I saw one of the athletes who walked in the parade of nations was chatting on her cell phone the whole time! What stupidity! She must be so addicted to cell phones that they even obscure what should have been a memorable moment for her. And how rude to the people watching. In effect, that woman was saying her personal phone call was more important than Olympic Games. She chattered and giggled as she walked, and I wondered what she would think of her behavior years later if she saw that moment on tap.
My brief review of the Olympic Game TV coverage is that it is the best and worst of times when one watches. I guess every nation does it the same, in that they focus too much on the athletes of their particular country and not on the athletes as a whole. But like some viewers who do watch, I care little about medals countryman win or which nation wins "the most" medals. I like to watch the best athletes in each sport compete to their highest level. Nationalism and jingoism only makes the games unpleasant.
In these Games the U.S. coverage has focused more on 1) the events Americans dominate (often obscure less interesting ones like snow boarding and half pipe) and 2) ice skating (the network thinks women love it and will watch even though the judging is often corrupt or too imprecise). The other events get much less coverage. Is that the way an Olympics is also covered in your on your TV?
Those baggage screeners at airports usually confiscate scissors, knives sand other implements that passengers innocently bring by mistake. But wait! In Fort Lauderdale, Florida there was amore unusual find in a passengers suitcase. They found a human head with teeth, hair and skin that the passengers said she carried "to ward off evil spirits" Myrelene Severe, 30, a Haitian born U.S. resident, was charged with smuggling a human head into the U.S. without proper documentations.
She was also cited for ( I am not joking about this) for "failing to declare a human head" to customs. (How does one do that delicately?) She could face as much as 25 years in prison if convicted on all charges. Myrelene said the head was brought as part of her voodoo beliefs since she fears evil spirits. Wow! We have millions of undocumented aliens sneaking in every year. I hope illegal heads won't be next.........

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