Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sleepless Night

I went to bed early- 8:30 pm.... last night because I was feeling so exhausted. But I could not sleep. It's weird when one can't sleep, how thoughts from the subconscious came up to consciousness. I began thinking about my mom and dad, how much I miss them and remembering some endearing moments from my child hood when with them.
For instance, I remember my dad carrying me inside the house after we had gone to a Drive-In movie (in my youth, drive in theaters were popular. You drove the car to a big open air theater with huge screens that played various movies. The driver parked and attached a speaker on the drivers side so the movie could be watched). My dad would carry me inside the house when we arrived at home late at night after the movie.
My mom made us put on our pajamas during the shows because she knew (I was a wee little nut then, I can remember from about 6 or 7 years old of age) we would fall asleep before the show ended. My dad would carry me inside the house to bed after we got home. I remember waking up several times as he did that.
Why would I bring up that memory last night???? I am regressing mentally....even though I am already at stage one. One incident I thought about last night involving my mom was when she and I talked about incidentals. I was sitting in a chair and she on a couch in their home, and this incident was when I was an adult. I remember her telling me about one of her friends and her asking me an opinion about something, and of course her always worrying if I was happy and all right. My parents were quite loving and devoted to me, as I try to be to Jane. I also pondered such weird things as baseball cards! know those trading cards kids collect of baseball players. My brother and I collected them as kids and because I saw a TV auction show about selling antiques and valuables before I retired last night, that subject stuck in my small brain. The show had a piece about a woman who found hundreds of those card in her attic, unopened. can you believe the value of each unopened pack was $500-$1000 a piece? Haha My mom threw out all our cards when we grew up and lost interest.
Then I tried to remember the old Yankee teams I used to watch as a child. Mickey Mantle was my favorite baseball player, and I watched the Yankees every step when I was a child. Can you believe I could remember the entire Yankee starting line-up from so many years ago? That led to me trying to remember the famous players of my youth , and...Hehe, I am boring you. I did get finally to sleep about 4 am and awoke 3 hours later. Anyway, I feel pretty good at the moment.
Oh, I have chattered on enough about an inconsequential matter......

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