Saturday, April 11, 2009

Election Results

I am going to vent about politics for a minute. This is my therapy after a frustrating election process in New Orleans has me scratching my head in disbelief. New Orleans had it's city elections Saturday and it was a disappointment for many. Most of the incumbents were re elected, despite much rhetoric from nearly everyone here about making a cleaner sweep of the mess (political mess, in this case) than did the hurricane that wiped away much of the city last August.
It's distressing to see a continuance of the same old mentality we have had here, that the voters acknowledge we have incompetent, corrupt and destructive elected officials, but that they keep putting them in office because MY politician is the only good one among them and I will vote for him. In a sense this election was a portent or perhaps an affirmation that the city will never recover fully from that storm, nor will it ever change the corrupt mindset in politics that the citizens here have long supported.
I think the reason for this abstinence and refusal to vote for qualified candidates instead of good ole boys is the city's tradition of poor quality public schools and, as a result of those inferior schools, our large pool of poor and badly educated populace. Since this hurricane we have been told repeatedly that the storm was a wake-up call and that no longer would people in the city tolerate inferior education and lack of good employment opportunity for their kids, nor would the citizens any longer laugh at and wink at corrupt and incompetent politicians.
Well, the election proves that New Orleanians still fell the same way about their politics. They still don't understand that elections are serious affairs, particularly after a crisis of the magnitude of that hurricane. Strike one! New Orleanians missed on that account. And as for the schools.....Ha! Hardly any have even reopened since the hurricane flooded them. The arguments by the politicians about their new form and function have kept most of them closed. And now the voters have re elected those same politicians, the ones who have neither the will nor ability to reopen and improve education for the large mass of poorer people in the city that need assistance.
Strike Two! Strike three and we are out... unless another hurricane either finishes off the city or wakes up the residents to what their responsibilities.
From the "Honest Criminals Are The Best Criminals" department comes three reasons why we all love the goofier style of criminal. Call number one the "It tastes better this way". It seems that the Kuwaiti Times has written that food inspectors shut down the Hawally bakery in Kuwait City after finding dough stored in a toilet. The owner explained to inspectors that humidity in a toilet makes my dough moist and delicious".
Ugh! I don't want to know what that bakery puts in its icings. Number two might be called "I see better this way". In this case, restaurant manager Kenneth Holmes. 26. of Bradenton, Florida was caught by police with his emergency lights on in his car and impersonating a police officer. Kenneth said he did it "to get home quicker" and because the flashing lights were "cool" and a "fantastic time-saver" that enabled him to zip right through red lights.
Hmmmmmm maybe the judge will save Kenneth time by locking him up for awhile. And finally I should call number three the "I feel better this way" honest criminal admission. According to police in Arizona, an 18 year old student was arrested ad the University library for masturbating openly while watching Internet porn. His explanation was the best of all three criminals. "To be honest, the Internet connection at my dorm isn't good enough". don't want to hear about your internet connection.

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