Saturday, April 11, 2009

Famous Or Educated

What's more important to you, to be rich and famous or educated and aware? You have to choose one or the other, so what would it be? Since I am neither, I guess I can't lose when I choose. Hehe But you are well educated already. Would you rather be dumb and famous like Jessica Simpson or just about any of those ignorant rappers that are rolling in money as they able incoherent hate that teens seem to adore.
I asked this because a recent survey in England did the same. One would think that most people would not give up an educated life for the transience of fame or the shallowness of money without awareness. And most did. Only about 1 in 10 young Britain's said they would drop out of school to become a tabloid star, according to research from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC). That's not bad for a country obsessed with celebrities.
In fact it is heartening to hear. Given that the LSC plots odds at being rich and famous enough to be a celebrity at 30 million to 1 (of course there are shortcuts, as in Hollywood where every performer or behind the scenes Hollywood celeb puts his or her children in front of the cameras) it's also a realistic approach. But this shows that people understand that possessing knowledge makes life not only easier to understand, but allows more capable judgments as one shifts through life's difficulties.
And in this age of empty headed celebrity, celebrity for crazy reasons, and bad behaving is good.
Grab your TV and satellite dish and find Japanese TV, because the Naked News has premiered and is available for all news "nuts". Haha I know you have an inquiring mind. Naked News debuted this month with the slogan "The program with nothing to hide", as news anchors disrobe during newscasts and give their "facts" to gawking viewers. Naked News, originally started in Canada, of all places, is available either on those stupid cell phones that are driving me crazy or TV in Europe and Australia.
But the Naked News people think Japan is a particularly fertile market for their brand of "revealing" news. First the ladies will strip to news about the Mid East and Asian flu, then males will show their assets as they point to the assets one gained or lost in the stock markets that day. Well, would you watch if it becomes available on your TV?

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