Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chat Room Visit

I am writing this simultaneously to being in one of those chat rooms. This one is in Yahoo, and though I rarely enter a chat room I now have some time on my hands as repair crews are working on my home and I must sit here until they finish. So on a lark I decided to enter a chat room and wreck havoc there with some irreverence.
Upon logging on to yahoo I quickly decided to be a lady of a day- I entered a women's' only chat room and was a little surprised at what I found. I logged on with a remark that immediately stirred some of them. "Hello, ladies I am man sent here to monitor your chat." Haha They were a hornets nest after that. I was told to leave, threatened with computer destruction and called various names that mom used to wash your mouth out with soap when hearing you utter them. A few were not so clue less and appreciated the joke. They became my allies in the room. What surprised me was that that room (and I suppose many others) was the sanctuary of spam ads offering to let me "see my naked pictures" or "view my cam". I got those messages the whole time I was there, and one was sent as soon as I logged into the room. In effect, the porn spammers were running the room. This surprised me, given Yahoo was monitoring the rooms. Another thing I noticed is that people in that room rarely chatted as a group, even though it was supposed to be a group chatting site. This is odd, because there are so many IM venues at which people can message privately. I like those and use them.
But why would they go to a public chat room to message privately? I proceeded to, all at the same time depending on who read my comments- enrage, provoke, charm, humor and generally make myself a pest. Hmmmmmm I think my playfulness there made me the star of the room and the room came alive to some extent. They started chatting more as a group. Some factions wanted me out and some became my fans or protectors.
Being a newcomer there I was surprised how easily I could dominate the room. Hehe The whole time I made a point of not writing anything remotely profound or normal. I enjoy stirring that hornet's nest and can do it well. When some became upset that a man was in the room I offered to "sell or rent myself" to the highest bidder. Why would anyone want to buy me?
It was amusing for me for awhile. But I just can't fathom those rooms. they are chaotic, filled with porn advertisements, and some of the people there seem quite..uh...maladjusted, reveling in their problems and loving to discuss the most intimate of them. If you haven't tried one of those rooms, or if you enter any acting "normally', I suggest going to one and also 'stirring the hornet's nest". It can be fun.
I have found a teacher I want to nominate for "Teacher of the Year". Caroline Kolb of Louisville, Kentucky apparently does not like candy chewing in her classroom. She hates it so much she has been fired by her school system after being charged criminally with biting a 14 year old middle school student who would not spit out a piece of candy. Caroline has pleaded not guilty to the criminal s charges that were filed after her classroom brawl with the candy eater. The student's mom said that Catherine "No Candy" Kolb told her son to stand in the hallway after he disobeyed her order to get rid of the candy. hen he tried to get his books the scuffle broke out and he was left with a bite wound that required medical treatment. Poor Catherine seems to have such a bad temper.
School officials had previously warned her to not be physically abusive with students. But I must say, Catherine deserves the "Teacher of the Year Award" for her brilliant performance in aping student behavior. Too, at least she isn't having sex with the boys in her class as some other female teachers have been found guilty of. Give her the award for not "biting off more than she can chew".

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