Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dumb Blonde Club

Oh, do I write it? I just discovered my 11 year old daughter is a member of the 'Dumb Blonde Club'. No, worse! She is the organizer of it. Hehe.
While straightening in our house today I found two papers openly on display on a chair. They were the Dumb Blonde Sign Up Sheet and the Dumb Blonde "official rules" Apparently Jane is the "master mind" (do blondes have minds to master?) of this club, for all of this is written in her handwriting and a note on the sign in sheet says, "Questions? Ask Jane." Given that there are only 3 blondes in Jane's class of 12 students, this club may have to reach out to 5th graders to pad the rolls.
But all three blondes in the class are signed up. Curiously, the sign in sheet has each blonde both print and write her name in script. Maybe they weren't; sure all blondes could write in script. Hehe Before I go on with this I admit....yes, I am a dumb blonde too! There, I said it. (I suppose you already knew it) For three blondes these are quite well organized and especially literate in their paperwork. The sign up sheet has spaces for the girls to ink their names and a nice large letterhead of 'Dumb Blonde Club- Application Form.
Hmmmm All the spelling is even correct. In resignation to the fact that there are only 3 blondes in the class, Jane added "Highlights Count" to the sign up sheet. So imitation blondes are welcome. Haha Jane wrote a typically blonde statement on the top of the charter and rule sheet. Knowing my daughter's subtle sense of humor I can tell that she was spoofing the glory of their dumb blondness. The note at the top of the rules and regulations sheet says, " This paper belongs to Jane Troescher. If found, please return without looking at it- that much. Thanks you." Haha I hope she wasn't serious....not a serious dumb blonde.
The rules and regulation paper states their motto, a sensible one I think. "We Love Being Blonde". And it has an anthem for the Dumb Blonde Club. Their anthem is short and to the point. "Because of our we have become dumb. But blonde is what we are and what we will stay. Together we unite to become even dumber!!! GO DBC!!!!" Oh, my. It is inspiring, isn't it? But you get the idea. There are 14 "official rules' and among them one that says "You must not tell any secrets shared in by the DBC (even if you quit". Hmmmmmm It seems the Dumb Blonde Club has been watching those dumb Hollywood mafia films. They practically threaten a hit on any girl who reveals the inner workings of the DBC. Given that the club meetings will be at members homes, I may be observing this group more closely in the months to come.
Gee, I hope they don't think I am dumb enough to be a member....
Guess who is having a fat problem in Britain? It's Fido! Just like their owners there seems to be a growing number of obese pets in Britain these days, and many are facing the same kinds of disease their fat human counterparts have. Diabetes and arthritis among pets there have become common as the animals eat more and more food- much of it human junk food. A survey of British veterinarians showed that one in three pets is now considered to be overweight and 38 percent of pet owners in Britain said their little ones put on weight during the Christmas holidays. Further, the owners say that Fido will be dieting now as a result. Can you believe it? The survey said that even dogs there have sagging stomachs, bulging sides and are unwilling to exercise. Wow....those dogs are becoming my clone.

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