Saturday, April 11, 2009

Odd Titles

Guess what the latest hobby is for females in the U.S.? Never'll never guess. It's motorcycling biking. That's right! Right here in the U.S. women are beginning to do what so many females in other countries do, ride motorcycles for fun or just as their primary transportation medium.
The ladies are more and more becoming bikers with the number of female motorcycle owners soaring past the 650,000 mark. But these women bikers are not the leather clad Hell Angel type. They are more often soccer moms, grandmas, attorneys, nurses, teachers and those with higher incomes than the stereotypical bike rider.
The old idea that motorcycles are for men is fading, so makers are designing more feminine ready cycles- with lighter frames, custom gears, lower seats, and prettier designs. They often hop on their cycles to escape crying babies and whining husbands or boyfriends, job stresses or just to ride to the horizon as an escape from everything that is annoying Why there is even a female riding club called the "Chrome Angels" that exists not to terrorize like the more recognizable "Hell's Angels", but to raise money to fight breast cancer.
I find this interesting and positive, that females are taking charge and following their interest rather than societal expectations. Hmmmm Maybe you are a big hot motorcycle momma yourself....
Looking for new reading material? Maybe you should try the "odd section" of novels. Well, at least the titles are interesting. Bookseller Magazine has just announced the winners of "Oddest Book Title of the Year".
You're in luck...I have the titles so you can choose one to read. This year the winning title is "How People Who Don't Know They're Dead Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What To Do About It", by Gary Leon Hill.
I am not sure what's n the book, but I suspect that anyone reading it might not "know they are brain dead". The second place winner this year is the rather specialized handbook "Rhino Horn Stockpile Management: Minimum Standards and Best Practices from East and Southern Africa", by Simon Milledge. Oh, my...that title is enough to make East and Southern Africans go into hiding with the rhinos.
The other runner up tittles bear mention as well. just in case you think the other two don't meet your reading standards. Here are the rest of the top five oddest.
3) "Bullying and Sexual Harassment: A Practical Handbook" by Tina Stephens.
4) "Ancient Starch Research" by Robin Torrence and Huw Barton
5) "Soil Nailing: Best Practice Guidance" by A Phear
Have fun coiling up with any of theses classics.

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