Saturday, April 11, 2009

Telling Time

If I asked you what time it was, how would you know? Probably one of many ways, a, clock, watch, cell phone, personal computer, auto dashboard, microwave, even a refrigerator magnet. And that's the point I will make. The time and true way of telling time, the wrist watch, seems to be leaving the scene for many theses days. Just 25 years ago a person told time by looking at a clock or his or her wrist watch. Not now.
I have never worn a watch, as I do not like or wear any jewelry, but I notice more and more people are joining the "no watch" movement, and it's because of all the gadgets that they carry that also tell time. So is this the end of the wrist watch? To paraphrase Shakespeare (Forgive me old great bard), "To wear a watch or not to wear a watch , that is the question."
The answer seems to be generation. That is, older people wear their watches because they always have, it seems natural and they are less reluctant to have the newer technology or to depend on it. Younger ones, particularly sub teens and teens, may have never worn a wrist watch and don't seem to have an interest in doing so. Why should they? They can find the time in any of the other mediums they are likely to carry.
It comes with the hardware. I have read that in Japan, there are no clocks in school rooms, because all the kids lay their cell phones on desktops, time flashing on each one. So is this the death of the wrist watch? No (I think). Wrist watches are still widely sold and still a fashion item, particularly for the person (more likely the male) who thinks an expensive one will impress others. And women are still likely to wear wrist watches as a fashion statement. Too, watches still are a common gift at Christmas, birthdays, as retirement gifts for anniversaries etc. So what do you think?
Is the watch domed to extinction or will it hold one and not be killed by the other technology that is starting to steal its thunder.
One person that needs a wristwatch or some element of time keeping is Vladimir and Zynaida Cherenenko, a Ukrainian couple that immigrated to the U.S. about 7 years ago. The need to know it is TIME to stop having babies! It seems they had their 17th child on December 7th, making them their family the largest in the U.S. "When we got married in the Ukraine, for six months we had no children and thought we wouldn't have any kids at all, " said Vladimir. "I never thought we would have such a family."
Forget the stories of huge bills, fights at the dinner table over food portions, exhausted parents etc. Those two say they may not be finished having kids. When asked if she would have another one, Zynaida shrugged and answered, "I can't say. I am grateful for all my children, my wonderful husband, my friends and my doctor' "Doctor".
Hmmmmmmm She must mean her psychiatrist. Anyone having 17 babies must be nuts! Wow! I have no text of yours to use to insult'll have to use your imagination instead. Just imagine what I am thinking.

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