Thursday, March 26, 2009

Year 2005

It's time to review year 2005, maybe not the best or worst for most people, but for me and my fellow New Orleans it was a year of the infamous- the destruction of our city by a mega storm that exposed levee inadequacies that flooded us to..uh.. death.
That personal worst dealt with here is my list of best and worst for year 2005. First ten of the Best Moments
1) No terrorism in the U.,S. this year again, despite the shameful Bush administration threats ( promises) that there are terrorists demons looking over every shoulder of every American.
2) Syria pulled out of Lebanon, Israel ceded some of its territory to the Palestinians and you're still writing E mail to me ( I just threw that in to see if you're paying attention)
3) Michael Jackson was found "innocent" and is in seclusion, hopefully to never be heard from again (Well, you and I are not little boys, so under any circumstance he shouldn't bother us)
4) TV and Movies stayed the same (awful). Well, at least they didn't get any worse. But could they?
5) the Global Warming/Greenhouse emissions standards issue became even more muddy as some people actually started to objectively examine whether the effects of both are real or an exaggeration. And.... after years of criticizing the U.S. for refusing to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. European Union leaders (those effete and sanctimonious ones) discovered that they to are way away from meeting their own standards of Kyoto.
6) Americans are apparently finally waking up and seeing Bush and his administration for what they are- lying, hypocritical, incompetent boobs! Gee, I loved writing that.
7) Saddam's trial began. Lets hope we aren't forced to see those pictures of Saddam in his underwear. I say if it is a choice between seeing that and freeing him- let him go
8) Cyclist Lance Armstrong won his record seventh consecutive Tour de France after overcoming near fatal cancer and persistent snipping by jealous competitors who say Lance "has got to be doing something illegal" to win.
9) Tom Cruise's hoping on the couch declaration of love for Kate Moss and intolerant views on religion may have finally annoyed us so much that Tom will just go away. 10) Bill Gates headed to Buckingham palace where he was actually knighted. This is good because now Gates won't think of himself as just plain God.
Now ten of the Worst Moments of 2005:
1) The U.S. still occupies Iraqi and Bush still pretends it's a good thing. Hmmmmm Why can't he just invade amore civil place. I suggest the The French Riviera. I may even volunteer to go as one of the occupiers.
2) Pope Paul died and his successor is a serious Catholic. That guy expects Catholics to quit pretending to be faithful and start acting like a...uh..a Catholic.
3) Reporters falsely claimed that American personnel at Gitmo prison in Iraq flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet. Can a book that big really go down a toilet?
4) Terrorist bombs ignited in London as a protest against America's insistence on democratic elections in Iraq. Well, those Islamic terrorist may be geographic idiots, but they can set off bombs that kill innocent people anywhere they wish.
5) I'm still sending this kind of lame E mail...
6) Bush shamelessly manipulates the Terry Schiavo situation for political gain, and finds that not even his right wing supporters want him t interfere. As Bush realized his political butt mandated it, he withdrew in silence and the issue died faster than did Terry.
7) Brickhouse Mobile started selling new ring tones for their brain dead cell customers. The new rings feature adult movie stars making groaning and moaning noises (Oh, but I think I would rather hear that than listen to the incoherent, inconsequential chatter cell users inflict on me every day in public places), from the suggestive to the raunchy.
8.) Gas and oil prices soared upward, natural disasters devastated numerous areas, and not a soul knows what will happen next. Well I know....but I'm not telling.
9) Harry Potter and every other mindless fad movie that Hollywood dumped n increasingly shrinking IQ of the typical rabid movie goer. 10) My annual year end review. But look at it this way, you made it to the end without shooting me.
Happy 2006!

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