Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gift Giving

Everyone seems so greedy for presents at Christmas. So, given that Christmas has passed us by again I am going to mention some things about receiving gifts. It seems people today are gift crazy, not just receiving but in giving as well. I am guilty of giving Jane too many gifts and think it is probably not necessary to do it.
But, what about "bad gifts"? I think the bad Christmas gifts can be categorized fairly easily. Hehe Did you get any gifts in one of these categories below?
1) The Tardy Gift Giver- He or she gives you the gift after Christmas, maybe weeks after or buys you the Christmas gift you get on Christmas Day. That's why he or she gives you the orange juice squeezer that is shaped like Napoleon Bonaparte or the the jacket that is two sizes too small (It's the only size that was left)
2) The Regifters- That's the one who re-wraps gifts they already received , but think are awful, and passes it on to you. Those rock hard fruitcakes are probably regifted- from several years ago. The Regifter may have been using that fruitcake as a doorstop but no longer needs it since he finally fixed his door.
3) The Passive/Aggressive- They are the ones who give you the things they themselves need- diet pills, support bras, hair removal products- even though you don't need those gift. They do! 4) Show-off- This one has to give the best and most expensive gift, and if you tell them, "Don't get me anything this year", it only ensures an even more expensive gift from them. They truly believe it is better to give than receive, because by giving it stokes their own ego even more. They really couldn't care less about the gift receiver. They give the $500 watch even though they are aware you already own 5 other watches you adore.
5) Unsure Giver- They have no idea what to get you, because they don't know you well enough or have too little confidence in themselves to buy what's appropriate. Expect those prepackaged food baskets with sausage, crackers, cakes and jelly. The Unsure Giver is sure in only that it is "ok" for everyone.
Anyway most bad gifts are the ones bought at the last minute or on impulse. Having said that, I must also affirm that any gift given, even a"bad gift" I like to get. So send all those bad gifts to me. I will appreciate them and thank you all the same.
But wait! What was the worst bad gift idea of Christmas 2005? It has to be the Compton, California city gift swap! That's because nearly 50 gun-toting (mostly illegal firearms) residents of that city converged on a shopping mall on the day before Christmas and two previous Saturdays to get their "gifts" from the city. They...uh..had to swap a gun or other firearm to get gift certificates as part of an ill advised program that is aimed at reducing gun incidents in that violent city.
Every I mean "resident" who brought in his shooting iron got a $100 gift certificate as a reward for possessing illegal firearms. The gift certificate was good for merchandise at Circuit City or a Ralph's Supermarket- places where the thugs could not obtain a new weapon with their gift card. A total of 260 firearms were traded, including 185 handguns, high powered rifles, shotguns and one Tec-9 semiautomatic machine gun pistol. All will undergo ballistic checks to see if any were used in crimes before being melted down for scrap metal. Officials say it will be an annual program. Great! now the Compton thugs and rearm with more guns in anticipation of being rewarded for turning them in...after they use them to rob, rape and pillage until next Christmas.
All day I had problems with high speed, I appreciate when it works well, but it gives me so many problems compared to regular internet , it stresses me (not as much as you stress me!!!!!)

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