Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Immigration Flood

Have you noticed the rioting in Paris and other French cities? It's interesting to me because it reflects the problems today in many nations that took in too many immigrants from the same region who have a differing culture or world view. France has loads of Muslim immigrants mostly from Northern Africa. many of them congregate in slum areas of the large French cities, feel neglected or discriminated against, shelter together and refuse to assimilate into the French culture, and ultimately (when their numbers allow it) strike back with violence and crime in protest.
The rioting and protests in France are non sensical to outsiders and to the French natives because they expect immigrants to adapt and change to the new culture, but to the immigrants they are a survival technique and a cry for recognition and help.
I think more such incidents will appear in many of the European countries who have taken on too many poorly educated immigrants at once. The Turkish minority in Germany and Muslims in England are two examples of restive minority immigration populations that see them selves as victims of discrimination and exclusion by the native cultures.
Too, there are many other European nations being "over run" by immigration from poor and restive regions of the world. The U.S. has long struggled to assimilate the poor Hispanic flood of uneducated peasants that poor across our border each day. Not all of the 40 million or so illegals who have crossed the border here in the past 50 years are "negative" immigrants, but enough are that my country as introduced to drug importations by them in the late 50's that became a flood in later decades and has fueled a crime problem in the U.S. as a result.
In addition, many of the poorer uneducated hispanics tend to form slums an breed crime and desperation that spread outward into the entire community. Such difficulties with immigration are in the future of many European nations, given their inability (like the U.S.) to control the flow of millions into their countries.
I think the massive immigration into industrial nations is the next big worldwide problem that could cause great dislocation everywhere.

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