Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Autralia/New Zealand

My trip to Australia and New Zealandwas a good one, especially because it gave me a break from the chaos here. I think both Australia and New Zealand are beautiful countries with high standards of living. I noticed prices for most things were higher in Australia than here. New Zealand seems rather sleepy and civil and Australia more alive and aggressive.
But both are nice places in which to be. The cultures there is primarily English and (in Australia) "American". I was able to see Kangaroos, Koala Bears and Penguins close up. The march of the "Little Penguins" was fascinating. While in New Zealand I saw the "Glow worm Cave" and a good deal of the northern island. It is quite spectacular in it's scenery and still not too heavily populated.
In Australia, I visited Ballaarat, a city where the Australian gold rush began. There is a replica of "Old Ballaarat built for tourists, including a working gold mine. I also took a tour of the Australian Ocean Road, which is stunningly beautiful. My friend there, Vonny, was kind enough to show me other things and spend a good deal of time with me.....despite that I burned a cheesecake topping in her oven when we were preparing food for several of her friends...Hehe, I am innocent of course (I am always innocent!) because her oven temperature is much hotter than the readings show.
Anyway..the cheesecake turned out ok in the end.. Here are a few observations from me about the Melbourne and Auckland
1) Both are very clean and have adverse population. I could see that immigration is flowing in both places. Apparently, both think they are underpopulated and want more residents there to stimulate their economies.
2) Most vulgar generation- the Aussie young, both men and women! They do have vulgar mouths when in public. My..I have never heard so many obscenities in public places. It seems that it is fashionable for the youth to curse in public in Australia. Strange, because in New Zealand no such language can be heard.
3) Food- It is mostly bland, but hearty. I found the entrees to be more visually appealing than delicious. The food is average, but needs more seasonings, herbs or spices to stimulate my tongue. The best cuisine there for me was the Chinese ethnic food. However, the bakery items are very good.
4) People- Very friendly in both cities. In Auckland there is a shyness, but once one speaks to a New Zealander there is usually a chatty and friendly reply.
5) Shopping- Melbourne does have nice shopping for those interested.
6) Cell report- Sigh.... It's out of hand there to. There are so many rude cell addicts, particularly in Melbourne. I guess I can not escape the cell phone fad that is seemingly everywhere.
7) Best tourist attraction- Sovereign Hill in Ballaarat. That's the gold mine town replication. It is historically true and very interesting. I even mined for gold and found as mall flake in a stream.

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