Saturday, March 7, 2009

Food Trends

Parade Magazine, a Sunday insert in my local newspaper, just had its annual food trend story, "What America Eats". Yep, you are going to hear about it now. But nearly everyone is interested in food, so you need not get "sick to your stomach" as I write about the new year's latest food trends in the U.S. Apparently food is getting better, in the home and outside it in restaurants, food markets or fast food outlets.
Not only are ingredients in some of our junk food tasting better they are also healthier now thanks to the health food craze in the U.S. the past 10 years. Too, packing is even better to make the food look more appetizing. And good looking food does taste better. According to Parade here are 4 of this years best food news trends.
1) Goodbye labels/Hello tattoos- Tired of those annoying stick-em labels on that apple or pear? Well, now fruits and veggies have a better way to label- the tattoo. A laser etcher now tattoos those fruits and veggies with info such as code numbers and distributor's name. Unlike those old labels, the tattoo print is edible and doesn't' hasten the spoilage of the fruit.
2) Trans fats Go Away-Trans fats are those artery clogging fats that keep processed food fresher longer and keep basked goods crisp. Now the U.S. Department of Agriculture is requiring all food to be labeled with the amount of trans fats. This will make manufacturers less reluctant to use them. In fact, many food makers already have eliminated trans fats (There's even a trans fat free Oreo cookie for sale) and replaced them with healthier fats.
3) Aloe Vera Preservatives- Since researchers discovered that aloe vera gel is a great natural preservative for fruits and vegetables when they are harvested, the synthetic preservatives (that may cause cancer or other health problems) are disappearing.
4) Whole Grain Cookies- Yep. Some of America's favorite cookies and crackers are now whole grain. Chips Ahoy, Fig Newtons (my favorite cookie) and Wheat Thins are now made with 100% whole grain. And there are many more making the switch to healthier grains.
Now if I could just stop eating those greasy fast food burgers and chicken, and that greasy Chinese take out....

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