Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kenner Demographics Changing

Kenner is become a Hispanic city, if only temporarily. In fact I think much of that new Hispanic population is illegal, here to do work on the damaged property after Hurricane Katrina. The fact that the demographics of Kenner and the rest of the New Orleans area has so changed was again brought to my mind when I took Jane and her friend out to eat dinner last Friday night at the 'Super Asian Buffet' (I know, buffets are usually terrible, but this one is ok). About half the restaurants in Kenner have reopened since the storm, but fewer past 6 pm, given the labor shortage here now.
Thus, long lines waiting to be seated at restaurants, even fast food places, is a common thing here. Oh well, better than New Orleans itself which still has fewer than 100,000 residents and very few businesses opened. But after we were seated and began eating I surveyed the tables around me. What did I see? I saw at least half the dinners speaking Spanish, dressed in work outfits involving construction, obviously workers who stopped to have dinner after completing their jobs for the day.
Media outlets here say that most of them are From Texas and other states near the border with Mexico, and some are illegal immigrants who rushed across the border to offer their talents as roofers, dry wall specialists etc., given the shortage of workers living here now. And the question is hoe many will stay here instead of returning to Mexico or Texas? I think construction tasks related to the storm will be on-going for at least 2 or 3 years. Therefore, some may put down roots and settle here, changing the character and culture of the area permanently.
It will be interesting for me to see how that sudden and unusual influx will change Kenner. I hope it will be for the better.

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