Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thanks For The Memories

One of my favorite old tunes was the one the late Comedian Bob Hope used as his trademark song,' Thanks For The Memory'. "Thanks for the memory, of candlelight and wine, castles on the Rhine The Parthenon and moments on Hudson River Line...." That's one line from it. It jogs the brain and makes one think of his or her own memories. You have to hear the pretty melody to appreciate it all, but that song popped into my small brain as I was on line today.
Since it is Thanksgiving season I should give my thanks for what I have experienced this year. There were both good and bad, especially the good from the bad- that I, Jane and my home survived the hurricane, that we have good health and opportunity for many blessing sin the future. That's all obvious, and I could write more seriously about what I am thankful for.
But what about some of the lesser things for which we should all be thankful? Hehe Here are some I thought about today. Fell free to add any of your own. I am thankful this year that......... 1) Michael Jackson no longer lives in my country and is out of sight and mind.
2) George Bush hasn't invaded anyone else yet!
3) I only saw myself naked in the bathroom mirror a few times this year..what a sight..ugh
4) I never looked at nude pictures of John Candy or Kirstie Alley either
5) I have not listened to a single record by Mariah Carey or Britney Spears.
6) I haven't been killed yet by a nutty cell phone driver.
7) I have no bird flu or any other animal flu.
8) Not once did I listen to Celene Dion singing the theme from 'Titanic'
9) I am not a used car salesman, a pedophile priest or a politician.
10) I missed Survivor and every other "reality" show shown on TV.
11) Jennifer Lopez thinks I am so wonderful she is speechless and hasn't yet invited me to dinner.
12) Even though New Orleans was mostly destroyed, the donut shops seem to have survived. 13) The constant stream of negative and disaster news in the media reminds me that my own life must at least be going better
14) I am too inconsequential to have a decent blog, ineligible.
15) You had received this dumb list, not I. But aside from all that foolishness, I am REALLY Thankful to have you with me here all year and hope you will keep coming back.

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